Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Switzerland and Austria: Vol. XVI. 1876–79.
The Song of the Mountaineer
By Johann Ludwig Uhland (1787–1862)U
My gaze on lordly towers I bend:
Here first the morning sun doth gleam;
Here rests his latest evening beam.
I am the son of the mountain.
From the rock I drink it cold and clear:
It dashes headlong down; below,
With brawny arm I breast its flow.
I am the son of the mountain.
Here tempests wildly round me whelm;
From north to south they howl along,
But o’er them all resounds my song:
I am the son of the mountain.
Beneath I hear the thunders crash;
I know them, and aloud I call:
“Leave ye in peace my father’s hall,
I am the son of the mountain.”
And beacons blaze on every hill,
Then I descend, and join the ranks,
And shout, while loud my broadsword clanks:
“I am the son of the mountain.”