Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Asia: Vols. XXI–XXIII. 1876–79.
The Ship of the Desert
By William Motherwell (1797–1835)“O
Halt not upon these fatal sands!
Onward, my constant camel, go,—
The fierce simoom hath ceased to blow,
We soon shall tread green Syria’s lands!
The hospitable well is near!
Though sick at heart and worn in brow,
I grieve the most to think that thou
And I may part, kind comrade, here!
A verdant paradise, I see;
The princely date-palms there abound,
And springs that make it sacred ground
To pilgrims like to thee and me!”
All lustreless, is fixed in death!
Beneath the sun of Araby
The desert wanderer ceased to sigh,
Exhausted on its burning path.
The solitary driver’s cry;
Thoughts of his home upon him press,
As, in his utter loneliness,
He sees his burden-bearer die.
Ne’er from his comrade will he sever!
The red sky is his funeral pall;
A prayer, a moan,—’t is over, all,—
Camel and lord now rest forever!
Loved of the panting caravan,
Within a little sandy ring,
The camel’s bones lie whitening,
With thine, old, unlamented man!