Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Russia: Vol. XX. 1876–79.
The Palace of Omartes
By Edward, Lord Lytton (1803–1873)O
Of Tanais, pasture steeds for Scythian Mars,
Forsook the simple ways
And nomad tents of his unconquered fathers;
Built a great city girt with moat and wall,
And in the midst thereof
A regal palace dwarfing piles in Susa,
And crested summits soaring into heaven,
And gates of triple brass,
Siege-proof as portals wielded by the Cyclops.
Led his high priest, Telentias, through his halls,
And chilled by frigid looks,
When counting on warm praise, asked, “What is wanting?
So stored with all that doth a king beseem;
The woofs of Phrygian looms,
The gold of Colchis, and the pearls of Ormus,
Sidonian crystal, and Corinthian bronze,
Egypt’s vast symbol gods,
And those imagined unto men by Hellas;
But chambers firm-based as the Pyramids,
And breaking into spray
The surge of Time as Gades breaks the ocean?”
Can judge; we stand too near them,” said the sage.
“None till they reach the tomb
Scan with just eye the treasures of the palace.
Through all the crannies pierce an icy wind
More bitter than the blasts
Which howled without the tents of thy rude fathers.
The chinks of stone against Calamity.”
The sage inclined his brow,
Shivered, and, parting, round him wrapt his mantle.