Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Ireland: Vol. V. 1876–79.
The Lapful of Nuts
By Sir Samuel Ferguson (1810–1886)W
And nut-brown curls,
I think of those bright days I spent
Among the Limerick girls;
When up through Cratla woods I went,
Nutting with thee;
And we plucked the glossy clustering fruit
From many a bending tree.
Thou, love, and I,
And the gathered nuts lay in thy lap,
Beneath thy downcast eye;
But little we thought of the store we ’d won,
I, love, or thou;
For our hearts were full, and we dare not own
The love that ’s spoken now.
And high Germanie!
And I ’ll come back, erelong, again,
With knightly fame and fee:
And I ’ll come back, if I ever come back,
Faithful to thee,
That sat with thy white lap full of nuts
Beneath the hazel-tree.