Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Africa: Vol. XXIV. 1876–79.
The King of Congo and His Hundred Wives
By Ferdinand Freiligrath (1810–1876)F
The cloven ostrich-eggshell cup,
And don your shells and cowries, ye sultanas!
O, choose your gayest, gorgeousest array,
As on the brilliant Beiram holiday
That opes the doors of your Zenaunas!
What fear ye? To your feet, ye timid fawns!
See here your zones embossed with gems and amber!
See here the firebright beads of coral for your necks!
In such a festal time each young sultana decks
Herself as for the nuptial-chamber.
His enemies lie slaughtered on the desert-plain.
Rejoice!—it cost you tears of blood to sever
From one you loved so well,—but now your griefs are o’er:
Sing! dance! He leaves his land, his house, no more,—
Henceforward he is yours forever!
No more need hurl the javelin: sea and sand and land
Are his, far as the Zaire’s blue billows wander;
Henceforth he bids farewell to spear and battle-horse,
And calls you to his couch,—a cold one, for his corse
Lies on the copper buckler yonder!
’T is he! Behold his cloak, striped, quagga-like, with bloody streaks!
’T is he! albeit his eyes lie glazed forever under
Their lids, albeit his blood no more shall dance along
In rapture to the music of the tomtom-gong,
Or headlong war-steed’s hoof of thunder!
His warriors howl in vain,—his necromancers gaze aghast,—
Fetish, nor magic wand, nor amulet of darnel,
Can charm back life to the clay-cold heart and limb.
He sleeps, and you, his women, sleep with him!
You share the dark pomps of his charnel!
Courage! a glorious fate is yours! Through Afric and the East
Your fame shall be immortal! Kordofán and Yemen
With stories of your lord’s exploits and your devotedness shall ring,
And future ages rear skull-obelisks to the King
Of Congo and his Hundred Women!