Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Asia: Vols. XXI–XXIII. 1876–79.
The Fair of Almachara
By Richard Hengist Horne (1802–1884)Behind the horizontal desert-line,
And upwards casts his robes to float on high,
Suffusing all the clouds with his decline;
Till their intense gold doth incarnadine,
And melt in angry hues, which darken as they die.
In broad relief against the gloomy vault;
Each smouldering field in azure melted soon,
Before the tenderness of that assault;
And the pure image that men’s soul’s exalt,
Stood high aloof from earth, as in some visioned swoon.
To gaze below, with a far-sheening smile,
On Arab tents, gay groups, and gambols rude,
As in maternal sympathy the while;
And now, like swarming bees, o’er many a mile
Forth rush the swarthy forms o’ the gilded multitude!
Hark to their hollow quot!
The gong sonorous swinging
At each sharp pistol-shot!
Bells of sweet tone are ringing!
The Fair begins
With countless dins,
And many a grave-faced plot!
’Neath the moon’s brilliant round,
Which doth entrance
Each passionate dance,
And glows or flashes
Midst jewelled sashes,
Cap, turban, and tiara
In a tossing sea
Of ecstasy,
At the Fair of Almachara!
Who sang a solemn song,
And at each chorus one leapt forth
And spun himself so long
That silver coins, and much applause,
Were showered down by the throng.
Of foreign slaves for sale:
Some clasped their hands and wept like rain,
Some with resolve were pale;
By death or fortitude, they vowed,
Deliverance should not fail.
And tails as black as wind
That sweeps the storm-expectant seas,
Bare-backed careered behind;
Yet, docile to their master’s call,
Their steep-arched necks inclined.
’Neath the moon’s brilliant round,
Which doth entrance
Each passionate dance,
And glows or flashes
Mid cymbal-clashes,
Rich jewelled sashes,
Cap, turban, and tiara,
In a tossing sea
Of ecstasy,
At the Fair of Almachara!
Enwound with maze on maze
Of orby folds, which, working fast,
Puzzle the moonlit gaze.
Boas and amphisbœnæ gray
Flash like currents in their play,
Hissing and kissing, till the crowd
Shriek with delight, or pray aloud!
Who clean cut off both legs;
Astride on his shoulders set them,
And danced on wooden pegs:
And presently his head dropped off,
When another juggler came,
Who gathered his frisky fragments up,
And stuck them in a frame,
From which he issued as at first,
Continuing thus the game.
’Neath the moon’s brilliant round,
Which doth entrance
Each passionate dance,
And glows or flashes
Mid cymbal clashes,
Rich jewelled sashes,
Cap, turban, and tiara,
In a tossing sea
Of ecstasy,
At the fair of Almachara!
Smoking with grave pretence:
There, too, the humble dealers
In cassia and frankincense;
And many a Red-Sea mariner,
Swept from its weedy waves,
Who comes to sell his coral rough,
Torn from its rocks and caves,
With red clay for the potteries,
Which careful baking craves.
Roll round like rapid wheels,
Or tie their bodies into knots,
Hiding both head and heels:
Now standing on each other’s heads,
They race about the Fair,
Or with strange energies inspired
Leap high into the air,
And wanton thus above the sand
In graceful circles rare.
Chanting their gorgeous dreams;
While some, with hollow faces,
Seem lit by ghastly gleams,
Dumb—and with fixed grimaces!
With burnished limbs all bare,
Caught by the moon’s keen silver
Through frantic jets of hair!
O naked moon! O wondrous face!
Eternal sadness, beauty, grace,
Smile on the passing human race!
’Neath the moon’s brilliant round,
Which doth entrance
Each passionate dance,
And glows or flashes
Mid cymbal clashes,
Rich jewelled sashes,
Cap, turban, and tiara,
In a tossing sea
Of ecstasy,
At the Fair of Almachara!
With long beards and bald pates,
Right earnestly romancing
Grave follies of the Fates,
For which their circling auditors
Throw coins and bags of dates.
Some of the youths and maidens shed
Sweet tears, or turn quite pale;
But silence, and the clouded pipe,
O’er all the rest prevail.
In black and yellow robes,
His ragged raven locks he twines
Around two golden globes!
And now he lashes a brazen gong,
Whirling about with shriek and song;
Till the globes burst in fire,
Which, in a violet spire,
Shoots o’er the loftiest tent-tops there,
Then fades away in perfume rare;
With music somewhere in the sky,
Whereat the sorcerer seems to die!
And flying and flashing!
And spinning and pushing!
The silver bells ringing!
All tingling and dinging!
Gongs booming and swinging!
The Fair ’s at its height
In the cool brilliant night!
While streams the moon’s glory
On javelins and sabres,
And long beards all hoary,
Midst trumpets and tabors,
Wild strugglings and trammels
Of leaders and camels
And horsemen, in masses,
Midst droves of wild asses,—
The clear beams entrancing,
The passionate dancing,
Glaring fixt, or in flashes,
From jewels in sashes,
Cap, turban, tiara;
’T is a tossing sea
Of ecstasy,
At the Fair of Almachara!