Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
France: Vols. IX–X. 1876–79.
The Coronation of Charles the Simple
By Pierre-Jean de Béranger (1780–1857)Y
“Montjoie and St. Denis” repeat.
The ampoule we have got once more,
The sparrows in a merry flock
Are all set loose, as heretofore,
And seem the state of man to mock.
About the church each flutterer flies,
The monarch smiles their sport to see;
The people cries: “Dear birds, take warning and be wise;
Birds, mind you keep your liberty.”
To Charles the Third will I go back,
That worthy grandson of Charlemagne,
Whom folks the “Simple” aptly call,
So famous by the great campaign
In which he did just naught at all.
But to his crowning here we go
While birds and flatterers sing with glee;
The people cries: “No foolish gladness show;
Birds, mind you keep your liberty.”
Who on fat taxes loves to dine,
Is marching with a faithful throng
Of subjects, who in wicked times
With rebel banners tramped along,
And aided an usurper’s crimes.
Now cash has set all right again,
Good faith should well rewarded be;
The people cries: “We dearly buy our chain;
Birds, mind you keep your liberty.”
And mumbles his “Confiteor,”
Then he ’s anointed, kissed, and dressed,
And while the hymns salute his ear
His hand upon the book is pressed,
And his confessor whispers: “Swear!”
Rome, who cares most about the clause,
The faithful from an oath can free;
The people cries: “Thus do they wield our laws;
Birds, mind you keep your liberty.”
About his waist old Charles’s belt
Than in the dust he humbly lies.
A soldier shouts, “King, do not crouch,”
“Keep where you are,” a bishop cries,
“And mind you fill the church’s pouch.
I crown you, and a gift from heaven
The gift of priests must surely be.”
The people cries: “Lo, kings to kings are given!
Birds, mind you keep your liberty.”
Can cure the evil with his touch:
Fly, birds, although you are in fact
The only gay ones in the church.
You might commit more impious act,
If on the altar you should perch.
The sanguinary tools of kings
Placed as the altar’s guard we see;
The people cries: “We envy you your wings;
Birds, mind you guard your liberty.”