Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Asia: Vols. XXI–XXIII. 1876–79.
The Cities of the Plain
By John Greenleaf Whittier (1807–1892)“G
Ungirded, unsandalled, arise and away!
’T is the vintage of blood, ’t is the fulness of time,
And vengeance shall gather the harvest of crime!”
And the proud ones of Sodom were feasting alone;
All gay was the banquet; the revel was long,
With the pouring of wine and the breathing of song.
The earth was all greenness, the trees were all bloom;
And softly the delicate viol was heard,
Like the murmur of love or the notes of a bird.
With the magic of motion and sunshine of glance;
And white arms wreathed lightly, and tresses fell free
As the plumage of birds in some tropical tree.
And wantonness tempted the lust of the eye;
Midst rites of obsceneness, strange, loathsome, abhorred,
The blasphemer scoffed at the name of the Lord.
Woe, woe to the worship, and woe to the mirth!
The black sky has opened,—there ’s flame in the air,—
The red arm of Vengeance is lifted and bare!
And the low tone of love had been whispered along;
For the fierce flames went lightly o’er palace and bower,
Like the red tongues of demons, to blast and devour!
And the reveller sank with his wine-cup undrained:
The foot of the dancer, the music’s loved thrill,
And the shout and the laughter grew suddenly still.
The last eye glared forth in its madness on Heaven!
The last groan of horror rose wildly and vain,
And death brooded over the pride of the plain!