Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Germany: Vols. XVII–XVIII. 1876–79.
The Burial of Schiller
By Hannah Flagg Gould (1789–1865)T
When Saturday in Sabbath dies,
O’er Weimar hangs, with clouds that lower,
And veil in black the moon and skies.
Pale glimmering through the midnight gloom!
A coffined form is on the bier,
And thence borne forward to the tomb.
Behind the cold, unconscious clay;
While sighs and sobs of bitter woe
Sound deep along the silent way!
That dismal bier its bearers rest,
A heavier flood of sorrow’s tide
Rolls o’er each mourner’s burdened breast.
With trembling as they lift the pall,
The moon rends off her veil of cloud,
And o’er him lets her lustre fall.
And is again in darkness hid,
As if affrighted, thus to view
The name on that dread coffin-lid.
Her friend, that they to dust consign!
And ne’er again is she to pour
Her light for eyes like his to shine!
Too sacred for the glare of day!
Beneath the curtain folds of night
Earth, earth has closed o’er Schiller’s clay!
They weep in torrents o’er his bed!
Their searching, fiery bolts are thrown,
As if to find and wake the dead!
Befit him well to whom they ’re paid,
And at the birth of holy Time
’T is meet his dust at rest be laid!
Has burned its way through mortal strife,
And gained its high, intense desire
To solve the mystery of life!
The passing storm will call the bloom;
A tribute Nature soon will pay,
To dress her deathless poet’s tomb.