Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Scotland: Vols. VI–VIII. 1876–79.
The Braes of Mar
By John Stuart Blackie (1809–1895)F
From you my feet must travel far,
Thou high-peaked, steep-cliffed Loch-na-Gar,
Farewell, farewell forever!
Thou lone green glen where I was born,
Where free I strayed in life’s bright morn,
From thee my heart is rudely torn,
And I shall see thee never!
The healthful breezes o’er them blow,
The gushing torrents from them flow,
That swell the rolling river.
Strong hills that nursed the brave and free,
On banks of clear, swift-rushing Dee,
My widowed eyne no more shall see
Your birchen bowers forever!
Ye stout old pines of lone Glen Lui,
Thou forest wide of Ballochbuie,
Farewell, farewell forever!
In you the rich may stalk the deer,
Thou ’lt know the tread of prince and peer;
But O, the poor man’s heart is drear
To part from you forever!
For whom our fathers drew their swords;
No tear for us their pride affords,
No bond of love they sever.
Farewell, ye braes of broad Braemar,
From bleak Ben Aon to Loch-na-Gar,—
The friendless poor is banished far
From your green glens forever!