Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Americas: Vol. XXX. 1876–79.
By Charles A. Jones (1818?–1851)W
His consecrated wave along,
Sleeps one, than whose, few are the names
More worthy of the lyre and song;
Yet o’er whose spot of lone repose
No pilgrim eyes are seen to weep;
And no memorial marble throws
Its shadow where his ashes sleep.
Behold the lowly resting-place
Of all that of the hero dies;
The Cæsar—Tully—of his race;
Whose arm of strength and fiery tongue
Have won him an immortal name,
And from the mouths of millions wrung
Reluctant tribute to his fame.
True worth belongs to all mankind;
And he whose ashes slumber here,
Though man in form, was god in mind.
What matter he was not like thee
In race and color,—’t is the soul
That marks man’s true divinity,—
Then let not shame thy tears control.
His breast was Freedom’s holiest shrine;
And as thou bendest there thy knee,
His spirit will unite with thine.
All that a man can give he gave,—
His life,—the country of his sires
From the oppressor’s grasp to save;
In vain,—quenched are his nation’s fires.
O’er deeds chivalric love to muse?
Here stay thy steps,—what better spot
Couldst thou for contemplation choose?
The earth beneath is holy ground;
It holds a thousand valiant braves;
Tread lightly o’er each little mound,
For they are no ignoble graves.
Though classic earth, can boast no more
Of deeds heroic than yon sun
Once saw upon this lonely shore,
When in a gallant nation’s last
And deadliest struggle for its own,
Tecumseh’s fiery spirit passed
In blood, and sought its Father’s throne.
The tears of heaven, upon his sod,
For he in life and death was true
Both to his country and his God;
For oh, if God to man has given,
From his bright home beyond the skies,
One feeling that ’s akin to heaven,
’T is his who for his country dies.
Is thine, beside the wailing blast,
Time cannot in oblivion merge
The light thy star of glory cast;
While heave yon high hills to the sky,
While rolls yon dark and turbid river,
Thy name and fame can never die,—
Whom Freedom loves will live forever.