Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
America: Vols. XXV–XXIX. 1876–79.
St. Catherine’s
By Philip Freneau (1752–1832)H
In forests green and gay,
From Charleston Bar to Catharine’s Isle
Might sigh to find the way!
What scenes on every side appear,
What pleasure strikes the mind,
From Folly’s train, thus wandering far,
To leave the world behind.
In simple accents swells,
And freely here their sylvan loves
The feathered nation tells;
The panting deer through mingled shades
Of oaks forever green
The vegetable world invades,
That skirts the watery scene.
The broad Atlantic wave,
Crowd all your canvas, gallant tar,
Since Neptune never gave
On barren seas so fine a view
As here allures the eye,
Gay, verdant scenes that Nature drew
In colors from the sky.
To swell the expecting sail,—
Who would not here, a hermit, stay
In yonder fragrant vale,
Could he engage what few can find,
That coy, unwilling guest
(All avarice banished from the mind),
Contentment, in the breast!