Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Scotland: Vols. VI–VIII. 1876–79.
Sinclair’s Song
By Edvard Storm (1749–1794)A
And he steered for the Norway border;
In Gulbrand valley he found his grave,
Where his merrymen fell in disorder.
To fight for the gold of Gustavus;
God help thee, chief! from the Norway glaive
No other defender can save us.
And the waves round the bark rippled smoothly;
When the mermaid rose from her watery shroud,
And thus sang the prophetess soothly:
Or thy light is extinguished in mourning;
If thou goest to Norway, I tell thee right,
No day shall behold thy returning.”
Thy prophecies ever are sore;
If once I catch thee within my hold,
Thou never shalt prophesy more.”
He and his merrymen bold;
The fourth he neared old Norway’s heights,—
I tell you the tale as ’t is told.
And lifted the flag of ruin;
Full fourteen hundred, of mickle boast,
All eager for Norway’s undoing.
Justice or ruth unheeding;
They spare not the old for his locks so white,
Nor the widow for her pleading.
As he smiled so sweet on his foemen:
But the cry of woe was the war-alarm,
And the shriek was the warrior’s omen.
Swiftly o’er field and o’er furrow;
No hiding-place sought the Gulbranders then,
As the Sinclair shall find to his sorrow.
Fight for your king and your laws;
And woe to the craven wretch that flies,
And grudges his blood in the cause!”
With axes full sharp on their shoulders,
To Bredeboyd in a swarm are gone,
To talk with the Scottish soldiers.
The swift-flowing Laugen runs by it;
We call it Kring in our northern tongue;
There wait we the foemen in quiet.
For the gray marksman aims at the foemen;
Old Nokken mounts from the waters dun,
And waits for the prey that is coming.
He fell with a groan full grievous;
The Scots beheld the good colonel’s plight,
Then said they, “Saint Andrew receive us!”
No mercy to those who deny it.”
The Scots then wished themselves home, I ween;
They liked not this Norway diet.
The ravens they feasted full deep;
The youthful blood that was spilt that day
The maidens of Scotland may weep.
No Scotsman returned to tell
How perilous ’t is to visit them
Who in mountains of Norway dwell.
For the foemen of Norway’s discerning;
And woe to him who that statue can spy,
And feels not his spirit burning!