Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Scotland: Vols. VI–VIII. 1876–79.
Scotia’s Glens
By James Hogg (1770–1835)’M
Where Gallia’s lilies never grew,
Where Roman eagles never flew,
Nor Danish lions rallied;
Where skulks the roe in anxious fear,
Where roves the stately, nimble deer,
There live the lads to freedom dear,
By foreign yoke ne’er galled.
There freemen wander at their will;
Sure Scotland will be Scotland still
While hearts so brave defend her.
“Fear not, our Sovereign liege,” they cry,
“We ’ve flourished fair beneath thine eye;
For thee we ’ll fight, for thee we ’ll die,
Nor aught but life surrender.
And taught our navies wide to spread,
The smallest hair from thy gray head
No foreign foe shall sever.
Thy honored age in peace to save,
The sternest host we ’ll dauntless brave,
Or stem the fiercest Indian wave,
Nor heart nor hand shall waver.
While Scotia’s noble blood runs warm,
Our good old man we ’ll guard from harm,
Or fall in heaps around him.
Although the Irish harp were won,
And England’s roses all o’errun,
’Mong Scotia’s glens with sword and gun,
We ’ll form a bulwark round him.”