Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Switzerland and Austria: Vol. XVI. 1876–79.
Saint Verena
By Heinrich von Laufenberg (c. 1390–1460)W
Rocky Solothurn is seen,
Sweetly nestling in the mountains,
Lies a deep and wild ravine.
Soar above the vale so high,
Gloomy firs fling out their branches
Grimly, there, athwart the sky.
Bright the rivulet glides along,
In the pilgrim’s ear it murmurs
Like a holy convent song.
Long had she her dwelling here,
Whether Spring came down the valley,
Or grim Winter howled so drear.
Straightway sought her holy cell,
And had scarcely crossed her threshold
When he felt himself made well.
Witnesses the daily deed,
Feels a longing stir within him:
“O that I such life might lead!”
Once beholding her at prayer:
“Ah, in sooth, for such rough region
Is the damsel all too fair.”
To extend Christ’s kingdom here,
And all hearts, in these wild places,
Praise and bless her far and near.
Seem as if they knew her well,
And all night, as friends and servants,
Keep their guard around her cell.
And he seeks, with envious heart,
How to circumvent and crush her,
Her who foils his every art.
Through the vale a torrent roar,
But, amid the swelling waters,
Still, dry-shod, she passes o’er.
Has he sent a murderer grim:
But the wretch has fled with terror,
When she turned and looked on him.
Underfoot his wiles all trod,
Now, at least, the fiend will show her
That he stronger is than God.
Knelt in morning’s rosy hour,
There stands Satan right behind her,—
Now her life is in his power!
See! a giant bowlder grasps;
High above him swings it fiercely;
Sympathetic nature gasps.
Surely crush her in the place,
But she hears a sudden rustling,
Backward turns her angel-face.
Blinds him with its dazzling light;
Poised he holds the rock above him,
And forgets his fury quite.
Have so clean departed, all,
That he lets the trembling bowlder
On his toes directly fall.
Fills his soul with spite and shame,
Is, that only “limping devil”
Since that day has been his name.
Go to Saint Verena’s glen;
In the rocky clump thou ’lt see there
Print of Satan’s fingers ten.