Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Holland: Vols. XIV–XV. 1876–79.
By Robert Southey (1774–1843)T
(I well remember) hovered o’er the heath,
When with the earliest dawn of day we left
The solitary Venta. Soon the sun
Rose in his glory: scattered by the breeze
The thin mists rolled away, and now emerged
We saw where Oropesa’s castled hill
Towered in the dim light dark; and now we past
Torralva’s quiet huts, and on our way
Paused frequent, and looked back, and gazed around,
Then journeyed on, and paused, and gazed again.
It was a goodly scene. The stately pile
Of Oropesa now with all its towers
Shone in the sunbeam; half-way up the hill,
Embowered in olives, like the abode of Peace,
Lay Lagartina; and the cool fresh gale
Bending the young corn on the gradual slope
Played o’er its varying verdure. I beheld
A convent near, and my heart thought that they
Who did inhabit there were holy men,
For, as they looked around them, all they saw
Was very good.