Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Holland: Vols. XIV–XV. 1876–79.
On the Drawing of the Elm-tree
By George Crabbe (1754–1832)I
One grateful spirit in the kingdoms round;
One who had traced the progress of the foe,
And does not hail the field of Waterloo?
Who o’er that field, if but in thought, has gone,
Without a grateful wish for Wellington?
(Which a fair hand has given us here to see),
A noble tree, that, pierced by many a ball,
Fell not,—decreed in time of peace to fall:
Nor shall it die unsung; for there shall be
In many a noble verse the praise of thee,
With that heroic chief,—renowned and glorious tree!
Shall be to warm and stir the English heart;
Formed into shapes as fancy may design,
In all fair fame and honor shall be thine.
The noblest ladies in the land with joy
Shall own thy value in the slightest toy;
Preserved through life, it shall a treasure prove,
And left to friends, a legacy of love.
Shalt a memorial be to distant time;
Shalt wake a grateful sense in every heart,
And noble thoughts to opening minds impart;
Who shall hereafter learn what deeds were done,
What nations freed by Heaven and Wellington.
Wounded it fell, and numbers mourned its fall;
It fell for many here, but there it stood for all.