Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
France: Vols. IX–X. 1876–79.
By Jean Reboul (1796–1864)N
Nor ancient cloister with dark corridor,
Where blazoned stones are said at midnight’s hour
To rise from out the floor.
Whose heaven-invading spires with pride upshoot;
With joinéd hands here kneels no sculptured knight,
At Gothic coffin’s foot.
Where for her absent lord the châtelaine prayed,
Nor by the herdsman, lifted cap in hand,
Are Aves longer said.
Bristles with turrets and with parapets,
Which ocean, with its ceaseless rise and fall,
Monotonously frets.
Her flying eagle, with all-conquering wing,
Left nowhere else her talons’ print so deep
As in the place I sing.
A noble monument though in decay,
And everywhere the Past shows what has been,
The Future to dismay.
Foreshows the destiny of bright To-day;
Here gods and death now share the same estate,—
Mixed in one urn are they.
Content to be applauded ere their death,
Before this people-king who wished with grace
To have them yield their breath.
In Eastern robes that swept these stones they pressed
Midst venal beauties and these fierce delights,
To charm the listless breast.
(Pleasure’s abuse had hardened so their heart)
With scenes of passion where life’s blood effused,
Where only Death took part.
Like to a god bronzed in the censer’s glow;
And carved acanthus leaves that evening’s breeze
Seems swaying to and fro.
The triple goddess’ temple in decay;
Just like a wrinkled forehead under flowers,
Peep out the ruins gray.
Ruins wherein are lesser ruins pent;
As exiled prince doth still a refuge give
To those in banishment.
Seems seeking still with melancholy light
On altar riven by the wild-fig’s force,
An incense taken flight.
Neighbor of lightnings is its summit bold;
The aqueduct through air the water brings,
Two mountains in its hold.
Brilliant with splendor, the new city see;—
As from a trunk shattered by lightning-blast
Shoots up a thrifty tree.