Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
America: Vols. XXV–XXIX. 1876–79.
Nightfall on the Seaconnet Shore
By Sarah Helen Whitman (1803–1878)W
And watched the daylight’s dying bloom,
And saw the great white ships go by,
Like phantoms through the gathering gloom.
Looked through the sea-fog’s ghastly veil,
Beyond the headland’s rocky bars
We heard the stormy surges wail.
Upon the lonely, sea-girt wall,
And watched, along the glimmering strand,
The wild, white breakers plunge and fall.
Of hopes that left the heart forlorn,
Of life’s unrest and love’s decay,
And lonely sorrows proudly borne.
Commingled with your mournful theme;
The splendors of your starry eyes
Were drowned in memory’s deepening dream.
Along the horizon’s dreary verge,
And lonelier through the lessening light
Sang the wild sea-wind’s wailing dirge.
Beyond West-Island’s beetling brow,
Where breakers dash, and surges boom,
We saw Point Judith’s fires aglow.
The lighthouse reared its lonely form,
Serene above the weltering sea
And guardant through the gathering storm.
Through grief’s wild storm, and sorrow’s gloom,
Faith’s heavenly pharos in the breast
Lights up the dark with deathless bloom.
Melted beneath its holy spell;
Faith blossomed into perfect flower,
And our hearts whispered, “All is well.”