Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Ireland: Vol. V. 1876–79.
By Aubrey Thomas de Vere (1814–1902)I
The world in that sad chime was drowned;
Sharp cries as from a battle-field
Were strangled in the wondrous sound:
Had all the kings of earth lain dead,
Had nations borne them lapped in lead
To torch-lit vaults with plume and pall,
Such bells had served for funeral.
Where black Baltard o’erlooks the deep;
Plunging all night the billows kept
Their ghostly vigil round my sleep.
But I had fed on tragic lore
That day,—your annals, “Masters Four!”
And every moan of wind and sea
Was as a funeral chime to me.