Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Greece and Turkey in Europe: Vol. XIX. 1876–79.
Mount Pierus
By Antipater (c. 397319 B.C.)Translated by W. Hay
Of Macedonian Piërus have heard
The god-voiced strains of women, and with songs
Praxilla nurtured; Myro; Anyté,
The female Homer; thee of Lesbian dames
Famed for their flowing ringlets; Sappho first
In glory; and Erinna; Telesilla,
Great in thy growing fame; Corinna, thee;
Thee, the bright songstress of the warlike shield,
Athena’s; Nessis mild and woman-voiced;
And gentle Myrtis last,—meet makers all
On the bright page of ever-living song.
Nine Muses mighty Uranus produced,
And nine the Earth,—a deathless joy to man.