Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Asia: Vols. XXI–XXIII. 1876–79.
Mater Dolorosa
By Jacopone da Todi (c. 1230–1306)W
By the cross where Jesus, dying,
Hung aloft on Calvary;
Through her soul, in sorrow moaning,
Bowed in grief, in spirit groaning,
Pierced the sword in misery.
Mother—blessed among mothers—
Of the God-begotten Son!
How she sorroweth and grieveth,
Trembling as she thus perceiveth
Dying her unspotted one!
Seeing Christ’s dear mother keeping
In her grief, so bitterly?
Who could fail to share her anguish,
Seeing thus the mother languish,
Lost in woe so utterly?
She beheld his laceration,
By their scourges suffering.
She beheld her dearest taken,
Crucified and God-forsaken,
Dying by their torturing.
Let me share thy deep dejection,
Let me share thy tenderness;
Let my heart, thy sorrow feeling,
Love of Christ, the Lord, revealing,
Be like thine in holiness!
On my heart forever seal them,
Printed there enduringly.
All his woes, beyond comparing,
For my sake in anguish bearing,
Let me share them willingly.
True condolence with him keeping,
Weeping all my life with thee;
Near the cross with thee abiding,
Freely all thy woes dividing,
In thy sorrow joined with thee.
Let me feel the love thou bearest,
Sharing all thy suffering;
Let me feel the death they gave him,
Crucified in shame to save them,
Dying without murmuring.
Let me drink the current gushing
From his wounds when crucified.
By a heavenly zeal excited,
When the judgment fires are lighted
Then may I be justified.
Through his death redeemed from dying,
By his favor fortified;
When my mortal frame is perished,
Let my spirit then be cherished,
And in heaven be glorified.