Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Switzerland and Austria: Vol. XVI. 1876–79.
Marshal Schwerin’s Grave
By Felicia Hemans (1793–1835)T
And a banner in thy hand;
Thou wert laid to rest from thy battles there
By a proudly mournful band.
Thy long bright years had sped;
And a warrior’s bier was thine at last,
When the snows had crowned thy head.
Brothers and friends, perchance;
But thou wert yet as the fadeless leaf,
And light was in thy glance.
And thy voice the war-horse knew;
And the first to arm, when the foe was nigh,
Wert thou, the bold and true.
Thou of the well-worn sword!
From the stormy fight in thy fame thou ’rt gone,
But not to the festal board.
Where fiery blood hath flowed;
O, lover of battle and trumpet-sound!
Thou art couched in a still abode!
And the breath of the wintry blast,—
Didst thou toil through the days of thy silvery hair
To win thee but this at last?