Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Holland: Vols. XIV–XV. 1876–79.
By Robert Southey (1774–1843)A
Had surely been the summit; but they rise
Hill above hill, amid the incumbent skies,
And mock my labor. What a giddy height!
The roar of yonder stream that foams below
Meets but at fits mine ear: ah me! my sight
Shrinks from this upward toil, and, sore opprest,
Sad I bethink me of my home of rest.
Such is the lot of man. Up life’s steep road
Painful he drags, beguiling the long way
With many a vain thought on the future day
With Peace to sojourn in her calm abode.
Poor fool of hope! that hour will never come
Till time and care have led thee to the tomb.