Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
France: Vols. IX–X. 1876–79.
Laura de Sade
By Jacopo Sannazzaro (1458–1530)Translated by Capel Lofft
Illustrious now on wings of glory soars;
Her high renown its awful echo pours
Wide o’er the earth. Splendors like these adorn
Her, destined, in her modest beauty’s morn,
To charm the eye of Petrarch. Her the doors
Of fame’s proud dome enshrine; the radiant stores
Of fancy blaze around her; nor does scorn
On her low birthplace and obscurer tomb
Glance a triumphant scowl. What suns illume
With lustre like the Muse? How many dames,
Wise, chaste, and lovely, of distinguished race,
Have slept in death forgotten, lost their names,
While hers from age to age beams with still heightened grace.