Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
America: Vols. XXV–XXIX. 1876–79.
Lake Mahopac
By Caroline M. Sawyer (1812–1894)L
What loveliness is thine!
Around thy fair, romantic shore
What countless beauties shine!
Shrined in their deep and hollow urn,
Thy silver waters lie,—
A mirror set in waving gems
Of many a regal dye.
Bright isles upon thy breast,
Veiled in soft robes of hazy light,
In such sweet silence rest,
The rustle of a bird’s light wing,
The shiver of the trees,
The chime of waves, are all the sounds
That freight the summer breeze.
Thy silver wave to glide,
And watch the ripples as they kiss
Our tiny vessel’s side;
While ever round the dipping oar
White curls the feathery spray,
Or from its bright suspended point
Drips tinklingly away.
In those fair isles to stray,
Or Fancy’s idle visions weave
Through all the golden day,
Where dark old trees, around whose stems
Caressing woodbines cling,
O’er mossy, flower-enamelled banks,
Their trembling shadows fling.
A weary spirit bears,
Here in these peaceful solitudes
May he lay down his cares:
No echo from the restless world
Shall his repose invade,
Where the spectres of the haunted heart
By Nature’s self are laid.