Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
America: Vols. XXV–XXIX. 1876–79.
In Narragansett Churchyard
By Esther Bernon Carpenter (1848–1893)A
Furrowed with ancient, low-ridged graves;
Downward the forest-shadows lean,
And sunlight comes in fitful waves.
Should grief and memory oft repair;
But love has faded and waxed cold,—
How silent broods the breathing air!
Each churchyard dweller stirless sleeps,
Nor recks of changing frost or bloom,
Or distant cry of ocean deeps.
Well hath the stern one wrought his spell,
How poor are words, and signs how vain,
The story of one life to tell!
Washed by a century’s dripping showers,
Mid phrases to our fathers known,
The graven death’s-head dimly lowers.
The last faint glow of knightly fame
Survives in emblems that would waft
To latest days some honored name.
The ashes of the powerful lie;
Low on the left, ’neath turf alone,
Watched by the same eternal sky,
Who toiled that those might leisure know;
To these no sculptured signs belong;
No imagery of death and woe
The rest that time and nature yield;
The slave, the poor, the hireling, cease
From labor in this tranquil field.
These shadows of the dusky past;
Here in some long-forgotten day
The mourner’s tears have fallen fast.
On each neglected, sunken mound,
His pious meed of pity draws
A low response of solemn sound:
Plant not thy curious footstep here;
The past from thee no memory craves,
No idle tribute of a tear.
Avails it, then, that thou shouldst learn
Of aught but proud armorial show,
Or brazen pomp of funeral urn?
Our strength subdued the stubborn soil:
In fields with golden promise blest
Behold the triumph of our toil!
Less bravely strove, in evil days,
To cope with want, to win a space
For freer life, in broader ways.
Of funeral state our relics rest?
Do they the sweeter slumber know
Who long the marble couch have pressed?
Their selfish pride of heartless powers;
Be ours the boast of loftier race,—
Manhood and womanhood were ours.”