Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
America: Vols. XXV–XXIX. 1876–79.
In Libby Prison, New Year’s Eve, 1863–64
By Frederick A. Bartleson (1833–1864)’T
My head upon my hand, sitting so weary,
Scanning the future, musing on the past,
Pondering the fate that here my lot has cast,
The hoarse cry of the sentry on his beat
Wakens the echoes of the silent street,—
“All ’s well!”
Where the barred window strictest watch is keeping,
Dreaming of home and wife and prattling child,
Of the sequestered vale, the mountain wild,—
Tell me, when cruel morn shall break again,
Wilt thou repeat the sentinel’s refrain,
“All ’s well!”
Thy children deaf to a fond mother’s pleading,
Stabbing with cruel hate the nurturing breast
To which their infancy in love was prest,—
Recount thy wrongs, thy many sorrows name,
Then to the nations, if thou canst, proclaim,
“All ’s well!”
Hope from her long deep sleep is re-awaking:
Speed the time, Father! when the bow of peace,
Spanning the gulf, shall bid the tempest cease,
When foemen, clasping each other by the hand,
Shall shout once more, in a united land,
“All ’s well!”