Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Oceanica: Vol. XXXI. 1876–79.
Illa Creek
By Henry Kendall (1839–1882)A
Across the blown-wet border,
Whose stormy echo runs and rings
Like bells in wild disorder.
It glistens, glooms, and glistens;
But deep within this quiet place
Sweet Illa lies and listens.
She sleeps in shady hollows
Where August flits with flowerful hands
And silver Summer follows.
A noise of many waters;
But green-haired Illa lies unstirred
Amongst her star-like daughters.
Awakes the shepherd yonder;
But Illa dreams, unknown to days
Whose wings are wind and thunder.
Are brought by bright October;
Here stained with grapes, and smit with heat,
Comes Autumn sweet and sober.
And yellow colors mingle,
And daylight droops with dying head
Beyond the western dingle.
Is kissed by Peace and Pleasure,
While Nature sings her woodland rhyme
And hoards her woodland treasure.