Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Germany: Vols. XVII–XVIII. 1876–79.
Greediness Punished
By Friedrich Rückert (1788–1866)I
For years had God’s free goodness to fill its larder come:
They might have been contented!
Who dwelt within the cloister, two fishes every year:
They might have been contented!
That one of them should yearly be taken in a net:
They might have been contented!
Then, with a new companion, he punctually was found:
They might have been contented!
And regularly caught they, year in, year out, a fish:
They might have been contented!
The question was a hard one, which of them should be caught:
They might have been contented!
Just spoiled his stomach by it,—it served the gluttons right:
They might have been contented!
Henceforward, to the cloister no fish came swimming more:
They might have been contented!
That, now it is denied them, the fault is all their own:
They might have been contented!