Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Asia: Vols. XXI–XXIII. 1876–79.
Fall of Troy
By Æschylus (525–456 B.C.)Translated by R. Potter
Its streaming light, as from the announcing flame
Torch blazed to torch. First Ida to the steep
Of Lemnos; Athos’ sacred height received
The mighty splendor; from the surging back
Of the Hellespont the vigorous blaze held on
Its smiling way, and like the Orient sun,
Illumes with golden-gleaming rays the head
Of rocky Macetas; nor lingers there,
Nor winks unheedful, but its warning flames
Darts to the streams of Euripus, and gives
Its glittering signal to the guards that hold
Their high watch on Mesapius. These enkindle
The joy-denouncing fires, that spread the blaze
To where Erica hoar its shaggy brow
Waves rudely. Unimpaired the active flame
Bounds o’er the level of Asopus, like
The jocund moon, and on Cithæron’s steep
Wakes a successive flame; the distant watch
Agnize its shine, and raise a brighter fire,
That o’er the lake Gorgopis streaming holds
Its rapid course, and on the mountainous heights
Of Ægiplanctus huge, swift shooting spreads
The lengthened line of light. Thence onward waves
Its fiery tresses, eager to ascend
The crags of Prone, frowning in their pride
O’er the Saronic gulf: it leaps, it mounts
The summit of Arachne, whose high head
Looks down on Argos: to this royal seat
Thence darts the light that from the Idæan fire
Derives its birth. Rightly in order thus
Each to the next consigns the torch that fills
The bright succession, whilst the first in speed
Vies with the last; the promised signal this
Given by my lord to announce the fall of Troy.