Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Holland: Vols. XIV–XV. 1876–79.
By Robert Southey (1774–1843)H
Obtained a soldier’s grave hath left a name
Which will endure in history: the remains
Of Moore, the British General, rest below.
His early prowess Corsica beheld,
When at Mozello, bleeding, through the breach
He passed victorious; the Columbian isles
Then saw him tried; upon the sandy downs
Of Holland was his riper worth approved;
And, leaving on the Egyptian shores his blood,
He gathered there fresh palms. High in repute,
A gallant army last he led to Spain,
In arduous times; for moving in his strength,
With all his mighty means of war complete,
The tyrant Bonaparté bore down all
Before him; and the British Chief beheld,
Where’er he looked, rout, treason, and dismay,
All sides with all embarrassments beset,
And danger pressing on. Hither he came
Before the far-outnumbering hosts of France
Retreating to her ships, and close pursued;
Nor were there wanting men who counselled him
To offer terms, and from the enemy
Purchase a respite to embark in peace,
At price of such abasement,—even to this,
Brave as they were, by hopelessness subdued.
That shameful counsel Moore, in happy hour
Remembering what was due to England’s name,
Refused: he fought, he conquered, and he fell.