Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Africa: Vol. XXIV. 1876–79.
Cæsar in Tears
By Charlotte Fiske Bates (1838–1916)P
By rapid journeys over land and sea,
Pursues his mighty rival. Where is he
Whom Cæsar feared a little while before?
In headless ruin! Pompey is no more.
But in the dead what terrors there may be!
That veiléd horror Cæsar’s self would flee
Which, for a welcome, base Achillas bore.
The form of gallant Pompey fronts him not;
How dreader yet that gory head of his,
Once dear, so dear to Julia’s faithful love!
Julia, in Cæsar’s heart all unforgot.
Oh, well may thought of all that was, that is,
To strongest tears the mighty Cæsar move!