Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Switzerland and Austria: Vol. XVI. 1876–79.
By James Montgomery (1771–1854)O
Fell the Gallic thunder-stroke;
To the lake of poor Lucerne,
All submitted to the yoke.
Drew his sword on Brunnen’s plain;
But in vain his banner blazed,
Reding drew his sword in vain.
Where their awful bones repose,
Thrice the battle’s fate he tried,
Thrice o’erthrew his country’s foes.
Fighting on their father’s graves!
Wretched those who lived to tell
Treason made the victors slaves!
Slowly driven from part to part;
Underwalden last expired,
Underwalden was the heart.
Where our guardian mountains stand;
In the eye of heaven and earth,
Met the warriors of our land.
Armed they met in stern debate;
While in every breast sublime
Glowed the spirit of the state.
With one heart and voice they rose;
Hand in hand the heroes stood,
And defied their faithless foes.
As they turned the tearless eye,
By their country’s wrongs they sware
With their country’s rights to die.