Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
America: Vols. XXV–XXIX. 1876–79.
Brother Antonio
By Annie Chambers-Ketchum (1824–1904)T
As the steamer is moored to a sunken wreck.
They flush on the quick steam’s flying rack;
Of children crouched by the gangway and stair,
Of an old man bent o’er his shrouded frau.
While the pall of night comes down to hide
The pale thin form on the pine-plank bier.
To the grand New World where the free stare shine,
In the Fatherland they had left behind;
The spray from her wings like an albatross,
Wild, stirring songs of the brave and free.
The Mexique shores with their spice and balm;
With its orange-groves and its fields of cane.
Blew the rare odors of the South,
The white crane gleamed, and the ibis red.
Where boundless prairie gardens roll
Like playgrounds by the Titans made;
And looked in her dying face and wept,—
Forever on alien woods and skies.
And the unshorn forest before them frowned;
The lone grave in the wilderness;
With a quivering lip old Hermann said,
“I ’ll bury her there, in the name of God.”
While the night-wind murmured a sobbing moan,
Peopled the dark with spectres grim.
The old man kneels in the sacred place;
On the cold damp clay he lays his face;
A low voice murmurs, “Pray for me.”
Where the green palmetto spreads its fan;
His face aglow in the flambeau’s light.
Is laid on the fresh-heaped hillock there;
“I, too, have buried my life,” he said.
Fair in the morning’s rosy fire
Saint Lazarus lifts its silver spire.
And the still, bird-haunted burying-ground.
And tell, as a tale of yesterday,
And Brother Antonio a deacon made,—
The brown bees hum when the hives are fed;
And shields from the sun the tender stalks;
And sing as he rows to the farther side;
May buzz and blossom and crawl and sing,—
To build this home for the sick and old;
Who helps old Hermann mow the grass,
And sings with his sons their mother’s hymn.
Crowded like sheep on the steerage-floor;
As Brother Antonio leads the way,
Down the noisy deck and the gangway-stair
Where the gold-fish glance in the sparkling pool,
Watch by the sick on their couches white.
Is bright with lilies and roses rare;
Is fairest at midnight’s solemn tide;
Shadows a headstone gray and wan,
Brother Antonio prays, alone.