Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
Germany: Vols. XVII–XVIII. 1876–79.
Beware of the Rhine
By Karl Simrock (1802–1876)B
My son, I counsel thee fair;
Too beauteous will be that life of thine,
Too lofty thy courage there.
A noble assembly so bright,
With thy soul all aglow, there ’s the dwelling for thee;
There seem all things fitting and right.
And the ancient cathedral town,
When thou climbest aloft to the dizzying height,
To gaze on the waters down.
And if once she hath on thee smiled,
And if Lorelei sings, with her lips so pale,
My son, thou ’rt forever beguiled.
Till with shuddering delight thou shalt burn;—
Thou ’lt sing of thy home “By the Rhine, by the Rhine!”
To thine own thou wilt never return!