Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
America: Vols. XXV–XXIX. 1876–79.
By Augustine Joseph Hickey Duganne (1823–1884)W
And the whisper went round of a fort to be stormed;
But no drum-beat had called us, no trumpet we heard,
And no voice of command, but our Colonel’s low word,—
“Column! Forward!”
From the beaches of Hampton our barges were borne;
And we heard not a sound, save the sweep of the oar,
Till the word of our Colonel came up from the shore,—
“Column! Forward!”
As ye dance to soft music, so trod we that night;
Through the aisles of the greenwood, with vines overarched,
Tossing dew-drops, like gems, from our feet, as we marched,—
“Column! Forward!”
So we skipped from the shadows, and mocked their pursuit;
But the soft zephyrs chased us, with scents of the morn,
As we passed by the hay-fields and green waving corn,—
“Column! Forward!”
And the flowers and the foliage with sweets were in tune;
And the air was so calm, and the forest so dumb,
That we heard our own heart-beats, like taps of a drum,—
“Column! Forward!”
And the buskins of Morn brushed the tops of the trees,
And the glintings of glory that slid from her track
By the sheen of our rifles were gayly flung back,—
“Column! Forward!”
And the blue-crested hill-tops with rose-light were kissed,
And the earth gave her prayers to the sun in perfumes,
Till we marched as through gardens, and trampled on blooms,—
“Column! Forward!”
Of the greenwood with low-brooding vapors of death;
O’er the flowers and the corn we were borne like a blast,
And away to the fore-front of battle we passed,—
“Column! Forward!”
And the sun was like lightning on banners and blades,
When the long line of chanting Zouaves, like a flood,
From the green of the woodlands rolled, crimson as blood,—
“Column! Forward!”
With the “Star-Spangled Banner” swelled over the leas;
And the sword of Duryea, like a torch, led the way,
Bearing down on the batteries of Bethel that day,—
“Column! Forward!”
And like corn by the red scythe of fire we were mown;
While the cannon’s fierce ploughings new-furrowed the plain,
That our blood might be planted for Liberty’s grain,—
“Column! Forward!”