Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
America: Vols. XXV–XXIX. 1876–79.
By AnonymousW
As in a dream, the towering wall
That scorns the restless, surging tide,
Once spanned the mart and street and mall,
And arched the trees on every side
Of this great city, once in pride.
For hither came a knightly train
From o’er the sea with gorgeous court;
The mayors, gowned in robes of state,
Held brilliant tourney on the plain,
And massive ships within the port
Discharged their load of richest freight.
Then when at night, the sun gone down
Behind the western hill and tree,
The bowls were filled,—this toast they crown,
“Long live the City by the Sea!”
No shallops load at wharves or quays,
But hulks are strewn along the shore,—
Gaunt skeletons indeed are these
That lie enchanted by the roar
Of ocean wave and sighing trees!
Oh, tell me where the pompous squires,
The chant at eve, the matin prayers,
The knights in armor for the fray?
The mayors, where, and courtly sires,
The eager traders with their wares,—
How went these people hence away?
And when the evening sun sinks down,
Weird voices come from hill and tree,
Yet tell no tales,—this toast they crown,
“Long live the Spectre by the Sea!”