Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ed. Poems of Places: An Anthology in 31 Volumes.
America: Vols. XXV–XXIX. 1876–79.
A Prairie Dog Village
By Edward B. Nealley (1837–1905)O
Crossing the Rocky Mountains once by stage,
And left us horseless in a waste of cactus
And parched wild sage,—
A desert region,—dreary desolation,
Where never flower bloomed or grass grew green,
As if accursed of God from the creation
The land had been.
Afar from human joy and human strife,
We walked the roadsides of a thrifty village
Of busy life,
And saw the people resting from their labors;
Snug houses theirs, well filled with winter stores,
And matrons, chattering gossip with their neighbors,
Stood at the doors.
Our driver said, “and here the rattlesnake
And solemn owl, helpmates in joy and sorrow,
Their dwelling make,
And in these burrows, snug in every weather,
Secure each one in all his rights, the three,
A happy family, consort together
In unity.
The owl, Minerva’s bird, sage counsel gives;
And so the prairie-dog in haunts of danger
In safety lives;
And all unfettered by your laws of iron,
Each lending cheerful help, their homes they build;
Together thus lie down the lamb and lion,
God’s word fulfilled.”