I only know we loved in vain; / I only feel—farewell! farewell! |
—Farewell! if ever fondest Prayer. |
Lord Byron |
George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord Byron
Title: George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord Byron
Author: Byron, Lord
I only know we loved in vain; / I only feel—farewell! farewell! |
—Farewell! if ever fondest Prayer. |
Lord Byron |
Title: George Gordon Noel Byron, Lord Byron
Author: Byron, Lord
From the Harvard Classics, Vol. XVIII, Part 6. Poetry of Byron, Chosen and Arranged by Matthew Arnold
Bartlett’s Byron Quotations
Epitomal selections by John Bartlett.
All for Love (Gold); Elegy (Gold); Elegy on Thyrza (Gold); For Music (OBEV); Isles of Greece (OBEV); On the Castle of Chillon (Gold); She walks in Beauty (OBEV); She walks in beauty, like the night (Gold); There be none of Beauty’s daughters (Gold); We’ll go no more a-roving (OBEV); When we two parted (Gold); When we Two parted (OBEV); Youth and Age (Gold)
Chapter by F.W. Moorman with bibliography from the Cambridge History of English Literature.