Lucy Hutchinson (1620–1681). Order and Disorder. 1679.
Canto IV
Gen. 1.31.
GOOD were all natures as God made them all, Rom. 9.21–23. | Good was his Will permitting some to fall, Rom. 11. | That th’ rest renouncing their frail strength might stand Rom. 3.6. | Humble and firm in his supporting hand, Gen. 18.25. | His wisdome and omnipotence might own, Rom. 11.33. | When his Foes power and craft is overthrown, | Seeing his hate of sin, might thence confess 1 Cor. 10.12. | His pure innate and perfect Holiness, Rom. 16.20. | And that the glory of his Justice might Psal. 2. | In the Rebels torturing flames seem bright. Jos. 24.19. | That th’ ever bless’d Redeemer might take place Psal. 5.4–6. | To illustrate his rich mercy and free grace & 7.11. &c. | Whereby he fallen sinners doth restore & 11.5,6. | To fuller bliss than they enjoy’d before; 1 Pet. 1.10. | That Vertue might in its clear brightness shine | Which like rich ore concealed in the mine Eph. 1.4,11. | Had not been known, but that opposing vice Joh. 3.16. | Illustrates it by frequent exercise. | Eph. 2.5. Rom. 8.35–39. Rom. 5.5, &c. 1 Pet. 4.12–14. | If all were good, whence then arose the ill? | ’Twas not in Gods, but in the creatures will, | Averting from that good, which is supream, Eccl. 7.29. | Corrupted so, as a declining stream Jude 6. | That breaks off its communion with its head, Joh. 8.44. | By whom its life and sweetness late were fed, | Turns to a noisome, dead, and poysonous Lake, | Infecting all who the foul waters take: | Or as a Branch cut from the living Tree, | Passes into contempt immediately, | And dies divided from its glorious stock; | So strength disjoyned from the living rock, | Turns to contemned imbecillity, Jer. 2.13. | And doth to all its grace and glory die. Devils. | Some new-made Angels thus, not more sublime | In nature, than transcending in their crime, | Quitting th’ eternal fountain of their light, Eph. 2.2. | Became the first-born sons of woe and night, Act. 26.18. | Princes of Darkness, and the sad Abysse, Mat. 25.41. | Which now their cursed place and portion is, | Where they no more must see Gods glorious face Rev. 20.10. | Nor ever taste of his refreshing grace, | But in the fire of his fierce anger dwell, | Which though it burns, enlightens not their Hell. | But circumstances that we cannot know | Of their rebellion and their overthrow | We will not dare t’ invent, nor will we take | Guesses from the reports themselves did make | To their old Priests, to whom they did devise | To inspire some truths, wrapt up in many lies; | Such as their gross poetick fables are, | Saturn’s extrusion, the bold giants war, | Division of the universal realm, | To Gods that in high heaven steer the helm, | Others who all things in the Ocean guide, | And those who in th’ infernal Court preside, | Who there a vast and gloomy Empire sway, | Whom all the Furies and the Ghosts obey. | But not to name these foolish impious tales, | Which stifle truth in her pretended veils, | Let us in its own blazing conduct go, | And look no further than that light doth show; | Wherein we see the present powers of hell, | Before they under Gods displeasure fell, | Were once endued with grace and excellence, Lu. 10.18. | Beyond the comprehension of our sense, | Pure holy lights in the bright heaven were Jude 6. | Blazing about the throne, but not fixt there; | Where, by the Apostasie of their own will, | Precipitating them into all ill, 2 Pet. 2.4. | And Gods just wrath, whose eyes are far too pure Hab. 1.13. | Stain’d and polluted objects to endure, Lu. 10.18. | They fell like lightning, hurl’d in his fierce ire, Jam. 3.6. | And falling, set the lower world on fire: Joh. 8.44. | Which their loose prison is where they remain, Jud. 6. | And walk as criminals under Gods chain; | Until the last and great assizes come, 1 Cor. 6.3. | When Execution shall seal up their doom. Mat. 8.29. | Thus are they now to their created light, Gen. 3.15. | Unto all Truth, and Goodness opposite, 1 Pet. 5.8. | Hating the Peace and Joy that reigns above, Job 1.7, &c. | Vainly contending to extinguish love, Rev. 12.10. | Ruine Gods sacred Empire, and destroy | That blessedness they never can enjoy. Mark 3.22,24–26. | A Chief they have, whose Soveraign power and place | But adds to’his sin, his torture, and disgrace. Rev. 20.10. | An order too there is in their dire state, | Though they all Orders else disturb and hate. Luk. 8.30. | Ten thousand thousand wicked spirits stand, | Attending their black Prince, as his command, | To all imaginable evils prest, | That may promote their common interest. | Nor are they linked thus by faith and love, | But hate of God and goodness, which doth move | The same endeavours and desires in all, Mat. 12.25,26. | Lest civil wars should make their Empire fall. | An Empire which the Almighty doth permit, Rev. 20.2,7,8. | Yet so as he controlls and limits it. | Suffering their rage sometimes to take effect, Job 2.6. | Only to be the more severely checkt; Col. 2.14,15. | When he produces a contrary end, Heb. 2.9,14. | From what they did malitiously intend, | Befools their wisdome, crosses their designs, Luk. 22.3. | And blows them up in their own crafty mines, 2 Tim. 2.25,26. | Allows them play in the entangling net, Eph. 6.11,12, &c. | So to be faster in damnation set, 1 Pet. 5.8. | Submits them to each others tyrannies, | Who did Gods softer sacred bonds despise, Rev. 12.12. | Lets them still fight, who never can prevail, | More curs’d if they succeed, than if they fail, | Since every soul the Rebels gain from God, | Adds but another Scorpion to that rod, Lu. 16.24. | Bound up, that they may mutual torturers be, Rev. 14.10,11. | Tormented and tormenting equally. Mat. 25.41. | As a wise General that doth design | To keep his Army still in discipline, | Suffers the embodying of some slighter foes, | Which he at his own pleasure can enclose, | And vanquish, that he justly may chastise | Their folly, and his own troops exercise, | Their vigilance, their faith and valour prove; | Endearing them thereby to his own love, Luk. 22.31,32. | As he alike endears himself to theirs, Joh. 17.20. | By his continual succours and kind cares: | So the Almighty gives the Devils scope, Mat. 4. | Who though they are excluded from all hope Heb. 2.18. & 4.15. | Of e’re escaping, no reluctance have, & 7.25. | But like the desperate villain they make brave, Rom. 16.20. | To death pursue their bold attempts, that all | O’re whom they cannot reign, with them may fall. | And tho’ Gods watchful guards besiege them round Rev. 12.7,8. | That none can pass their strict prescribed bound, | Yet make they daily sallies in their pride, Mat. 4.11. | Which still repulst the holy host deride. Jude 9. | Their malice in it self and its event, | Being equally a crime and punishment. | Thus though sin in it self be ill, ’tis good | That sin should be, for thereby rectitude | Thorough oppos’d iniquity, as light | By shades, is more conspicuous and more bright. | The wonderful creation of mankind, | For lasting glory and rich grace design’d, | The blessed angels look’d on with delight, Lu. 15.10. | Gladded to see us climb so near their height; & 16.22. | Above all other works, next in degree, Heb. 12.22. | And capable of their societie. | But ’twas far otherwise with those that fell | Mans destin’d heaven, encreas’d their hell, | While they burnt with a proud malitious spite Joh. 8.44. | To see a new-made, earth-born favourite, | For their high seats and empty thrones design’d; | Therefore both against God and man combin’d, | To hinder Gods decree from taking place, | And to devest man of his Makers grace; 1 Pet. 3.13. | Which while he in a pure obedience stood, | They knew, not all their force nor cunning cou’d, | But if they could with any false pretence | Inveigle him to quit his innocence, | They hop’d death would prevent the dreaded womb | From whence their happier successors must come. | Wherefore th’ accursed Soveraign of hell | Thinking no other Devil could so well Gen. 3.1, &c. | Act this ill part, whose consequence was high | Enough to engage his hateful majesty, | Himself exposes for the common cause, | And with his hellish kingdomes full applause, | Goes forth, putting himself into disguise, | And so within a bright scal’d serpect lies, | Folded about the fair forbidden tree, | Watching a wish’d for opportunitie, | Which Eve soon gave him, coming there alone | So to be first and easier overthrown; | On whose weak side, th’ assault had not been made | Had she not from her firm protection stray’d; | But so the Devil then, so leud men now 2 Tim. 3.6. | Prevail, when women privacies allow, | And to those flatt’ring whispers lend an ear | Which even impudence it self would fear | To utter in the presence of a friend, | Whose vertuous awe our frailty might defend. | Though unexperience might excuse Eves fault, | Yet those who now give way to an assault, | By suffring it alone, none can exempt | From the just blame that they their tempters tempt, | And by vain confidence themselves betray, | Fondly secure in a known desperate way. | As Eve stood near the tree, the subtile beast, | By Satan mov’d, his speech to her addrest | Hath God, said he, forbid that you should tast | These pleasant fruits, which in your eyes are plac’t, | Why are the tempting boughs expos’d, if you | May not delight your palates with your view? | God, said the woman, gives us libertie | To eat without restraint of every tree | Which in the garden grows, but only one; | Restrain’d by such a prohibition, | We dare not touch it, for when e’re we do | A certain death will our offence ensue. | Then did the wicked subtile beast replie, | Ah simple wretch, you shall not surely die, | God enviously to you this fruit denies, | He knows that eating it, will make you wise, | Of good and ill give you discerning sense, | And raise you to a god-like excellence. | Eve quickly caught in the soul hunters net, | Believ’d that death was only a vain threat, | Her unbelief quenching religious dread | Infectious counsel in her bosome bred, | Dissatisfaction with her present state | And fond ambition of a godlike height. | Who now applies herself to its pursuit, | With longing eyes looks on the lovely fruit, | First nicely plucks, then eats with full delight, | And gratifies her murderous appetite; | Poyson’d with the sweet relish of her sin, | Before her inward torturing pangs begin, | The pleasure to her husband she commends, | And he by her persuasion too offends, | As by the serpents she before had done. Pro. 1.10, &c. | Hence learn pernicious councellors to shun. | Within the snake the crafty tempter smil’d | To see mankind so easily beguil’d, | But laugh not Satan, God shall thee deride, | The Son of God and Man shall scourge thy pride, 1 Joh. 3.8. | And in the time of vengeance shall exact Joh. 16.11. | A punishment on thee, for this accursed fact. | Now wrought the poyson on the guilty pair, | Who with confusion on each other stare, | While death possession takes, and enters in Rom. 5.12. | At the wide breach, laid open by their sin. | Sound health and joy before th’ intruder fled, | Sickness and sorrow coming in their stead. | Their late sweet calm did now for ever cease, Esa. 48.22. | Storms in all quarters drove away their peace; | Dread, guilt, remorse in the benighted soul, | Like raging billows on each other rowl; | | Deaths harbingers waste in each province make, | While thundring terrours mans whole Island shake. | Within, without, disorder’d in the storm, | The colour fades, and tremblings change the form, | Heat melts their substance, cold their joynts benumbs, | Dull languishment their vigour overcomes. | Grief conquer’d beauty lays down all her arms, Psa. 39.11. | And mightier woe dissolves her late strong charms, | Shame doth their looks deject, no chearful grace, | No pleasant smiles, appear in their sad face, | They see themselves fool’d, cheated, and betray’d, | And naked in the view of heaven made; | No glory compasses the drooping head, | The sight of their own ugliness they dread, | And curtains of broad thin Fig-leaves devise | To hide themselves from their own weeping eyes; | But, Ah, these coverings were too slight and thin | To ward their shame oft, or to keep out sin, | Or the keen airs quick piercing shafts, which through | Both leaves and pores into the bowels flew. | While they remain’d in their pure innocence | It was their robe of glory and defence: | But when sin tore that mantle off, they found | Their members were all naked, all uncrown’d; | Their purity in every place defil’d, | Their vest of righteousness all torn and spoyl’d. | Wherefore, through guilt, the late lov’d light they shun, | And into the obscurest shadow run; Ps. 139.11. | But in no darkness can their quiet find, | Carrying within them a disturbed mind, | Which doth their cureless folly represent, | And makes them curse their late experiment; | Wishing they had been pure and ignorant still, | Nor coveted the knowledge of their ill. | Ah thus it is that yet we learn our good, | Till it be lost, but seldome understood, | Rich blessings, while we have them, little prize | Until their want their value magnifies, | And equally doth our remorse encrease | For having cast away such happiness. | O wretched man! who at so dear a rate | Purchas’d the knowledge of his own frail state, Eccl. 1.18. | Knowledge of small advantage to the wise, | Which only their affliction multiplies, | While they in painful study vex their brain, | Pursuing what they never can attain; | And what would not avail them if acquir’d, | Till at the length with fruitless labour tir’d, | All that the learned and the wise can find | Is but a vain disturbance of the mind, | A sense of mans inevitable woes, | Which he but little feels, who little knows; Prov. 1.7. | While mortals, holding on their error, still Psal. 111.10. | Pursue the knowledge both of good and ill, 1 Cor. 1.20,21. | They neither of them perfectly attain, & 2.14. | But in a dark tumultuous state remain; Jam. 3.15–17. | Till sense of ill, encreasing like nights shade, | Or hath a blot of good impressions made, | Or good, victorious as the morning light, | Triumph over the vanquisht opposite | For both at once abide not in one place, | Good knowledge flies from them who ill embrace. | So were our parents fill’d with guilt and fear, | When in the groves they Gods approaches hear, | And from the terrour of his presence fled; | Whether their own convictions caus’d their dread, | For inward guilt of conscience might suffice | To chace vile sinners from his purer eyes; | Or nature felt an angry Gods descent, | Which shook the earth, and tore the firmament, | We are not told, nor will too far enquire. | Lightnings and tempests might speak forth his ire. | For at the day of universal doom | The great Judge shall in flaming vengeance come; Ps. 97.3,4. | An all-consuming fire shall go before, Es. 9.5. | Whirlwinds and thunder shall about him roar, & 66.15,16. | Horror shall darken the whole troubled skies, 1 Thes. 1.8. | And bloody veils shall hide the worlds bright eyes, 2 Pet. 3.12. | While stars from the dissolving heaven drop down, | And funeral blazes every Turret crown. Rev. 1.7. | The clouds shall be confounded with the waves, Joel 3.15,16. | The yawning earth shall open all her graves, | Loud fragors shall firm rocks in sunder rend, Mat. 24.29. | Cleft mountains shall hells fiery jaws distend, | Vomiting cinders, sulphur, pitch, and flame, | Which shall consume the worlds unjoynted frame, | And turn the Paradises we admire Rev. 19.20. | Into an ever-boyling lake of fire. | But God then, in his rich grace, did delay | These dismal terrors, till the last great day. | Yet even his first approach created dread, | And the poor mortals from his anger fled; | Until a calmer voice their sense did greet. Heb. 12.11. | Love even when it chides is kind and sweet. Psal. 89.31–33. | The sense of wrath far from the fear’d Power drives, | The sense of Love brings home the fugitives. Gen. 4.14. | Souls flying God into despair next fall, | Thence into hate, till black hell close up all. Act. 9. | But if sweet mercy meet them on the way, | That milder voyce, first doth their mad flight stay, Psal. 130.7,4. | And their ill-quitted hope again restore, | Then love that was forsaking them before | Returns with a more flaming strong desire | Of those sweet joys from which it did retire, Lam. 3.1, &c. | And in their absence woe and terror found, | And all those plagues that can a poor soul wound. | While thus this love with holy ardour burns, Mat. 27.46. | The bleeding sinner to his God returns, | And prostrate at his throne of grace doth lie, Job 13.15. | If death he cannot shun, yet there to die. Hos. 6.1,2,3. | Where Mercy still doth fainting souls revive, | And in its kind embraces keep alive | A gentler fire, than what it lately felt | Under the sense of wrath. The soul doth melt, | Like precious Ore, which when men would refine | Doth in its liquefaction brightly shine; | In cleansing penitential meltings so | Foul sinners once again illustrious grow, Mal. 3.2,3. | When Christs all-heating softning spirit, hath Rev. 1.5. | Their Furnance been, and his pure blood their Bath. | Now though Gods wrath bring not the sinner home, Rom. 12.1. | Who only by sweet love attracted come, | Yet is it necessary that the sense Joh. 16.9,10. | Of it, should make us know the excellence, Mat. 11.28. | And taste the pleasantness of pardoning grace, | That we may it with fuller joy embrace; | Which when it brings a frighted wretch from hell Luk. 7.47. | Makes it love more, than those who never fell: 1 Joh. 4.10. | But mankinds love to God grows by degrees, | As he more clearly Gods sweet mercy sees, | And God at first reveals not all his grace, | That men more ardently may seek his face, | Averted by their folly and their pride, | Which makes them their confounded faces hide. | As still the Sun’s the same behind the clouds, Lam. 3.22,23. | Such is Gods love, which his kind anger shrouds, | Which doth not all at once it self reveal, | But first in the thick shadows that conceal | Its glory, doth attenuation cause; | Then the black, dismal curtain softly draws, Lam. 3.26, | And lets some glimmering light of hope appear, 29, &c. | Which rather is a lessening of our fear, Hos. 2.15. | Than an assurance of our joy and peace, | A truce with misery, rather than release. | Thus had not God come in, mankind had died | Without repair, yet came he first to chide, | To urge their sin, with its sad consequence, | And make them feel the weight of their offence. | To’ examine and arraign them at his bar, | And shew them what vile criminals they were: | But ah! our utterance here is choak’d with woe, | With tardy steps from Paradise we go. | Then let us pause on our lost joys a while | Before we enter on our sad exile.