Lucy Hutchinson (1620–1681). Order and Disorder. 1679.
Canto II
Gen. 1.6.
AGAIN spoke God; the trembling waters move, | Part flie up in thick mists, made clouds above, The Fir- | Part closer shrink about the earth below, mament. | But did not yet the mountains dry heads show. | Th’ allforming Word stretcht out the Firmament, Psal. 104.2,3. | Like azure curtains round his glorious Tent, | And in its hidden chambers did dispose | The magazines of Hail, and Rain, and Snows, Job 38.22,23. | Amongst those thicker clouds, from whose dark womb | Th’ imprison’d winds, in flame and thunder come. | Those Clouds which over all the wondrous Arch | Like hosts of various formed creatures march, | And change the Scenes in our admiring eyes; | Who sometimes see them like vast mountains rise. | Sometimes like pleasant Seas with clear waves glide, | Sometimes like Ships on foaming billows ride, | Sometimes like mounted warriours they advance, | And seem to fire the smoaking Ordinance. | Sometimes like shady Forests they appear, | Here Monsters walking, Castles rising there. | Scorn Princes your embroider’d Canopies, | And painted roofs, the poor whom you despise | With far more ravishing delight are fed, | While various clouds sayl o’re th’ unhoused head, | And their heav’d eyes with nobler scenes present | Than your Poetick Courtiers can invent. 2 Pet. 3.5. | Thus the exalted waters were dispos’d, | And liquid Skies the solid world enclos’d, | To magnifie the most almighty hand, Job 37.18. | That makes thin floods like rocks of crystal stand, | Not quenching, nor drunk up by that bright wall | Of fire, which neighbouring them, encircles all. | The new built Firmament God Heaven nam’d, | And over all the Arch his windows fram’d. | From whence his liberal hand at due time pours Ps. 147.16–18. | Upon the thirsty earth refreshing showers; Job 26. | And clothes her bosome with descending Snow to the end. | To cherish the young seeds when cold winds blow: Ps. 18.8–14. | Hence every night his fatning dews he sheds, | And scatters Pearls amidst th’ enamel’d beds. | But when presumptuous sins the bright arch scale, Job 38.27, &c. | He beats them back with terrifying hail: | Which like small shot amidst his foes he sends, | Till flaming Thunder, his great Ordnance, rends | The clouds, which, big with horror, ready stand Ex. 9.2. | To pour their burthens forth at his command. | But th’ unpolluted air as yet had not | From mortals impious breath infection got, | Enlightned then by a superiour ray | A serene lustre deckt the second day. Gen. 1.10, &c. | Th’ inferiour Globe was fashion’d on the third, | When waters at the all-commanding word Psa. 104.6–10. | Did hastily into their channels glide, | And the uncover’d hills as soon were dried. | In the same body thus, distinct, and joyn’d, | Water and earth, as flesh and blood, we find. | The late collected waters God call’d Seas. | Springs, Lakes, streams, and broad Rivers are from these | Brancht, like life-feeding veins, in every land, | Yet wheresoe’re they seem to flow or stand, Eccl. 1.7. | As all in the vast Oceans bosome bred, | They daily reassemble in their head, | Which thorough secret conduits back conveys | To every Spring, the tribute that it pays. Eccl. 1.4. | So ages from th’ Eternal bosome creep, | So lose them selves again in that vast deep. | So Empires, so all other humane things, | With winding streams run to their native springs. Rom. 4.22. | So all the goodness mortals exercise Eph. 2.6. | Flows back to God out of his own supplies. | Now the great fabrick in all parts compleat, | Beauty was call’d forth to adorn the feat; Ps. 102.25. | Where Earth, fixt in the Centre, was the ground, Job 26.7. | A mantle of light air compast it round; | Then first the watrie, then the fiery wall, | And glittering heaven last involving all. | Earth’s fair green robe vi’d with the azure skies, | Here proud Woods near the flaming Towers did rise. | The valleys Trees, though less in breadth and height, Gen. 2.9. | Yet hung with various fruit, as much delight. | Beneath these little shrubs and bushes sprung | With fair flowers cloth’d, and with rich berries hung, | Whose more delightful fruits seem’d to upbraid | The tall trees yielding only barren shade. Ps. 104.14. | Then sprouted Grass and Herbs and Plants | Prepar’d to feed the earth’s inhabitants, | To glad their nostrils, and delight their eyes, | Revive their spirits, cure their maladies. | Nor by these are the senses only fed, | But th’ understanding too, while we may read | In every leaf, lectures of Providence, | Eternal Wisdom, Love, Omnipotence. | Which th’ eye that sees not, with Hells mists is blind, | That which regards not, is of bruitish kind. | The various colours, figures, powers of these | Are their Creators growing witnesses, Ps. 90.5,6. | Their glories emblems are, wherein we see | How frail our humane lives and beauties be. Job 14.2. | Even like those flowers which at the Sun-rise spread Es. 40.6,7,8. | Their gawdy leaves, and are at evening dead. | Yet while they in their native lustre shine, | The Eastern Monarchs are not half so fine. Mat. 6.28,29,30. | In richer robes God clothes the dirty soyl Jam. 1.10,11. | Than men can purchase by their sin and toyl. | Then rather Fields than painted Courts admire, | Yet seeing both, think both must feed the fire: Job 14.7,8. | Only Gods works have roots and seeds, from whence | They spring again in grace and excellence, | But mens have none, like hasty lightning, they 1 Cor. 3.15. | Flash out, and so for ever pass away. | This fair Creation finisht the third day, | In whose end, God did the whole work survey, | The Seas, the Skies, the Trees, and less plants view’d, | And by his approbation made them good; Gen. 1.12. | In all the plants did living seeds enclose, | Whence their successive generations rose; | Gave them those powers which in them still remain, | Whereby they man and beast with food sustain. The | Thrice had the day to gloomy night resign’d, fourth | And thrice victorious o’re the darkness shin’d, day. | Before the mediate cause of it, the Sun | Or any star had their creation, | For with th’ Omnipotent it is all one | To cause the day without, or by the Sun. | God in the world by second causes reigns, | But is not tied to those means he ordains. Hab. 3.17,18. | Let no heart faint then that on him depends, | When the means fail, that lead to their wisht ends. | For God the thing, if good, will bring about | With instruments we see not, or without. | The fourth Light having now expell’d the shade Gen. 1.14. &c. | God on that day the Luminaries made, | And plac’d them all in their peculiar sphears | To measure out our days, and months, and years, | Which by their various motions are renew’d, | And heat and cold have their vicissitude: | So Springs and Autumns still successive be, | Till ages lose them in Eternity. Sun. | The Sun whom th’ Hebrews Gods great servant call, | Plac’d in the middle Orb, as Lord of all, | Is in a radiant flaming chariot whirl’d, Psal. 19.4,5,6. | And dayly carried round abut the world | By the first Movers force, who in that race | Scatters his light and heat in every place, | Yet not at once. Now in the East he shines, | And then again to’the Western deep declines, | Seeming to quench his blazing taper there | While it enlightens the other Hemisphere. | Thus he their share of day and night divides | Unto each world in their alternate tides. | But then its Orb by its own motion roll’d, | Varies the seasons, brings in heat and cold, | As it projects its rays in a straight line, | Or more obliquely on the Earth doth shine. | And thus doth he to the low world dispense | Life-feeding and engendring influence. Moon. | This Lord of Day with his reflected light | Guilds the pale Moon the Empress of the night, | Whose dim Orb monthly wastes and grows, | Doth at the first sharp pointed horns disclose, | Then half, then her full shining Globe reveals, | Which waining she by like degrees conceals. Stars. | The other glittering Planets now appear | Each as a King enthron’d in his own Sphear; | Then the eighth heaven in fuller lustre shines | Thick set with stars. All these were made for signs | That mortals by observing them might know | Due times to cultivate the earth below, | To gather fruits, plant trees, and sow their seed, | To cure their herds, and let their fair flocks breed, Act. 27.10. | Into safe harbours to retire their ships, | Again to launch out into the calm deeps, | Their wandring vessels in broad seas to guide, | When the lost shores no longer are descried; | Physicians to direct in their great art, | And other useful knowledge to impart. | Nor were they only made for signs to shew | Fit opportunities for things we do, | But in their various aspects too we read | Droughts, inundations, famines, plagues and wars, | By several conjunctions of the Stars, | At least shewn, if not caus’d, through the strong powers | And workings Astral bodies have on ours, | Which as above they variously are joyn’d, | So are their subjects here below, enclin’d | To sadness, mirth, dread, quiet, love or hate, | All that may calm, or trouble any state. | Yet are they but a second cause, which God | Shakes over sinners as a flaming rod, | And further manages in his own hands, | To scourge the pride of all rebellious lands; | Falsely and vainly do blind mortals then, | To them impute the fates and ills of men, | When their sinister operations be | Only th’ effects of mens iniquitie, | Which makes the Lord his glittering hosts thus send Judg. 5. | To execute the just threats they portend. | Nor are they characters of wrath alone, | They sometimes have Gods grace to mankind shown, Mat. 2. | Such was that new Star which did heaven adorn, | When the great King of the whole world was born. | Such were those stars that fought for Israel | When Jabins vanquisht host, by Gods host fell. | Even those Stars which threaten misery and woe | To wicked men, to Saints deliverance show: Lu. 22.28. | For when God cuts the bloody Tyrant down, | He will their lives with peace and blessings crown. | Thus the fourth evening did the fourth day close, | And where the Sun went down, the Stars arose. | New triumph now the fifth day celebrates, | The perfum’d morning opes her purple gates, Psal. 19. | Through which the Suns Pavilion does appear | And he array’d in all his lustre there, | Like a fresh Bridegroom with majestique grace, | And joy diffusing vigour in his face, | Comes gladly forth, to greet his virgin bride, | Trick’d up in all her ornaments and pride; | Her lovely maids at his approach unfold | Their gaudie vests, on which he scatters gold, | Both chearing and enriching every place, | Through which he passes in his glorious race. | But though he found a noble Theatre, | As yet in it no living creatures were, | Though flowry carpets spread the whole Earths face, | And rich embroideries the upper Arch did grace, | And standards on the mountains stood between | Bearing festoones like pillars wreath’d with green, | The velvet couches and the mossy seats, | The open walks and the more close retreats | Were all prepar’d; Yet no foot trod the woods, | Nor no mouth yet had toucht the pleasant floods; | No weary creature had repos’d its head | Among the sweet perfumes of the low bed; | The air was not respir’d in living breath, | Throughout a general stilness reign’d, like death. | The King of day came forth, but unadmir’d, | Like unprais’d gallants blushingly retir’d; | As an uncourted beauty, Nights pale Queen, | Grew sick to shine where she could not be seen. | When the Creator first for mute herds calls, | And bade the waters bring forth animals: Gen. 1.20, &c. | Then was all shell-fish and each Scaly race | At once produc’d, in their assigned place, | The crooked Dolphins, great Leviathan, | And all the Monsters of the Ocean, Job 41. | Like wanton kids among the billows play’d, | Nor was there after on the dry land made | Any one beast of less or greater kind | Whose like we do not in the waters find; | Where every greater fish devours the less, | As mighty Lords poor Commoners oppress. | Next the Almighty by his forming Word | Made the whole plumie race, and every bird | Its proper place assign’d, while with light wings | All mounted heaven, some o’re the lakes and springs, | Some over the vast Fens and Seas did flie, | Some near the ground, some in the cloudy skie, | Some in high trees their proud nests built, some chose | The humble shrubs for their more safe repose, | Some did the marshes, some the rivers love, | Some the Corn-fields, and some the shady grove. | That silence which reign’d every where before, | Its universal Empire held no more, | Even night and darkness its own dear retreat | Could not preserve it in their reign compleat: | The Nightingales with their complaining notes, | Ravens and Owls with their ill-boding throats, | And all the birds of night, shrill crowing Cocks | Whose due kept times, made them the worlds first clocks, | All interrupted it, even in the night, | But at the first appearance of the light | A thousand voyces, the green woods whole quire | With their loud musick do the day admire; | The Lark doth with her single carol rise, | To welcome the fair morning in the skies; | The amorous and still complaining Dove, | Courts not the day, but woes her own fair love; | The Jays and Crows against each other rayl, | And chattering Pies begin their gossips tale: | Thus life was carri’d on, which first begun | In growth of plants, in fishes motion, | And next declar’d it self in living sound, | Whilst various noise the yielding air did wound. | Various instincts the Birds by nature have, | Which God to them in their creation gave, | That unto their observers do declare | The storms and calms approaching in the air, | That teach them how to build their nests at spring, | And hatch their young under their nursing wing, | To lead abroad and guard their tender brood, | To know their hurtful and their healing food, | To feed them till their strength be perfect grown, | And after teach them how to feed alone. | Could we the lessons they hold forth improve, | We might from some learn chaste and constant love, | Conjugal kindness of the paired Swans, | Paternal Bounty of the Pelicans, | While they are prodigal of their own blood | To feed their chickens with that precious food. | Wisdome of those who when storms threat the Skie, | In thick assemblies to their shelter flie, | And those who seeing devourers in the air, | To the safe covert of the wing repair. Mat. 10.16. | The gall-less doves would teach us innocence, | And the whole race to hang on Providence; Mat. 8.26, | Since not the least bird that divides the air & 10.19. | Exempted is from the Almighties care, | Whose bounty in due seasons, feeds them all, | Prepares them berries when the thick snows fall, | Cloaths them in many colour’d plumes, which vain | Men borrow, yet the Peacocks gawdy train | More beautifully is by nature drest, | Than art can make it on the Gallants crest. | This priviledge these creatures had to raise | Their voices first in their great Makers praise, | Which when the morning opes her rosie gate | They with consenting musick celebrate; | Again with hunger pincht to God they cry, | And from his liberal hand receive supply, | Who them and all his watry creatures view’d, | And saw that they in all their kinds were good. | Then blest them that for due successions they | Might multiply. So clos’d he the fifth day. | And now the Sun the third time rais’d his head Gen. 1. | And rose the sixth day from his watry bed, | When God commands the teeming earth to bring | Forth great and lesser beasts, each reptile thing | That on her bosome creeps, the word obey’d, | Immediately were all the creatures made. | Like Hermits some made hollow rock their Cell, | And did in their prepared mansions dwell. | The vermine Weazils, Fulmots and blind Moles, | Lay hid in clefts of trees, in crannies and in holes. | The Serpents lodg’d in Marishes and fens, | The savage beasts sought thickets, caves and dens. | Tame herds and flocks in open pastures stay’d, | And wanton kids upon the mountains play’d. | Here life almost to its perfection grew | While God these various creatures did indue | With various properties, and various sense, | But little short of humane excellence, | Save what we in the Brutes dispersed find, | Is all collected in mans nobler mind, | Who to the high perfection of his sense, | Hath added a more high intelligence. | Yet several Brutes have noble faculties, | Some apprehensive are, some subtile, wise, | Some have invention and docility, | Some wonderful in imitation be, | Some with high generous courage are endued, | With kindness some, and some with gratitude, | With memory some, and some with providence, | With natural love, and with meek innocence: | Some watchful are, and some laborious be, | Some have obedience, some true loyalty. | Among them too we all the passions find, | Some more to love, some more to hate enclin’d. | The musing Hare and the lightfooted Deer | Are under the predominance of fear; | Goats and hot Monkeys are with lust possest, | Rage governs in the savage Tygres brest; | Jealousie doth the hearts of fierce Bulls move | Impatient of all rivals in their love. | Some sportive, and some melancholy be, | Some proner to revenge and crueltie. | The Kingly Lion in his bosome hath | The fiery seed of self-provoking wrath, | Joy is no stranger to the savage brest, | As oft with love, hate and desire possest, | Through the aversion and the appetite | Which all these passions in their hearts excite. | God cloth’d them all in several woolls and hair, | Whereof some meaner, some more precious are, | Which men now into garments weave and spin, | Nor only weare their fleeces, but their skin; | Besides employ their teeth, bones, claws, and horn, | Some Medicines be, and some the house adorn. | A thousand other various ways we find, | Wherein alive and dead they serve mankind, | Who from th’ obedience they to him afford Es. 1.3. | Might learn his duty to his Soveraign Lord.