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Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919). New York. 1906.

Subject Index

Railroads, development of, 216

Raritan Indians, war with, 26, 27, 28

Redemptioners, 118

Red River, Valley of, barred from settlement, 16

Red Sea, trade with ports of, 91; piracy on, 94

Red Star Line, the, 221

Religion, effect on parties, 75

Religious bodies, in colonial times, 109

Religious differences, 229, 230

Religious liberty, 26, 47, 50, 53, 64, 65, 174

Rensselaerswyck, extent of, 17; Stuyvesant’s troubles with the patroon of, 41

Republican party, origin of name, 186; rise of, 237

“Restless,” the; see “ON-REST”

Revolution, causes leading to, 126; first bloodshed in the, 145; dangers of, 153; operations against New York, 159; results of war, 193

Ring politics, 252, 253

Riots, Stamp Act, 140; liberty-pole, 144, 145; ante-Revolution, 153, 154; anti-Federalist, 190; theatre, 232; Astor Place, 233; bread, 234; labor, 234; abolition, 234; election, 234; police, 239; draft, 250; Hibernian, 250

Riverside Drive, 257

Roman Catholic Church, hatred of, 76; priests condemned to death by Assembly, 105; weakness before the Revolution, 109; increased strength at present day, 109; growth, 215, 229, 256; Americanization of, 231

Roman Catholics, forbidden entrance to the colony, 112; patriotism of, in Maryland, 161, note; liberation of, 174

Roosevelt, Isaac, 155, note.

Roosevelt, John J., 156, note.

Roosevelt, Nicholas, leader in Provincial Congress, 155 note; pioneer in steam navigation, 209

Russian immigration, 256

Rynders, Isaiah, 238, 246

Sabbatarian legislation, 67

St. Lawrence River, French commonwealth on, 4

St. Mark’s Church, 31

St. Patrick’s Church, 240

Sanitary Commission, the, 248

Sanitary conditions, 205

Santa F&acute, 5

Saskatchewan Valley, barred from settlement, 16

Savings bank, the first, 206

Scandinavian immigration, 256

Schepens, abolition of the, 50; office restored, 55

Schoolmaster, the first, 20

Schools, 118

School system, founded, 206; Roman Catholic opposition to, 237

Schout-fiscal, the, 19; abolition of the, 50; office restored, 55

Schuyler, Peter, leads opposition to Leisler in Albany, 83; raids on Montreal, 84

Schuyler, Philip J., elected senator, 189

Schuyler family, leaders in the popular party, 136; supporters of Hamilton, 187

Scientific societies, 207

Sclave immigration, 256

“Scribner’s Magazine,” 260

Seafaring population, 90, 91

Seamen, an age of, 1, 2; bravery of colonial, 130

“Sea-Mew,” the, brings the first true colonists, 13

Sea-rovers, 2