Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919). New York. 1906.
Subject Index
Railroads, development of, 216 |
Raritan Indians, war with, 26, 27, 28 |
Redemptioners, 118 |
Red River, Valley of, barred from settlement, 16 |
Red Sea, trade with ports of, 91; piracy on, 94 |
Red Star Line, the, 221 |
Religion, effect on parties, 75 |
Religious bodies, in colonial times, 109 |
Religious differences, 229, 230 |
Religious liberty, 26, 47, 50, 53, 64, 65, 174 |
Rensselaerswyck, extent of, 17; Stuyvesant’s troubles with the patroon of, 41 |
Republican party, origin of name, 186; rise of, 237 |
“Restless,” the; see “ON-REST” |
Revolution, causes leading to, 126; first bloodshed in the, 145; dangers of, 153; operations against New York, 159; results of war, 193 |
Ring politics, 252, 253 |
Riots, Stamp Act, 140; liberty-pole, 144, 145; ante-Revolution, 153, 154; anti-Federalist, 190; theatre, 232; Astor Place, 233; bread, 234; labor, 234; abolition, 234; election, 234; police, 239; draft, 250; Hibernian, 250 |
Riverside Drive, 257 |
Roman Catholic Church, hatred of, 76; priests condemned to death by Assembly, 105; weakness before the Revolution, 109; increased strength at present day, 109; growth, 215, 229, 256; Americanization of, 231 |
Roman Catholics, forbidden entrance to the colony, 112; patriotism of, in Maryland, 161, note; liberation of, 174 |
Roosevelt, Isaac, 155, note. |
Roosevelt, John J., 156, note. |
Roosevelt, Nicholas, leader in Provincial Congress, 155 note; pioneer in steam navigation, 209 |
Russian immigration, 256 |
Rynders, Isaiah, 238, 246 |
Sabbatarian legislation, 67 |
St. Lawrence River, French commonwealth on, 4 |
St. Mark’s Church, 31 |
St. Patrick’s Church, 240 |
Sanitary Commission, the, 248 |
Sanitary conditions, 205 |
Santa F´, 5 |
Saskatchewan Valley, barred from settlement, 16 |
Savings bank, the first, 206 |
Scandinavian immigration, 256 |
Schepens, abolition of the, 50; office restored, 55 |
Schoolmaster, the first, 20 |
Schools, 118 |
School system, founded, 206; Roman Catholic opposition to, 237 |
Schout-fiscal, the, 19; abolition of the, 50; office restored, 55 |
Schuyler, Peter, leads opposition to Leisler in Albany, 83; raids on Montreal, 84 |
Schuyler, Philip J., elected senator, 189 |
Schuyler family, leaders in |
Scientific societies, 207 |
Sclave immigration, 256 |
“Scribner’s Magazine,” 260 |
Seafaring population, 90, 91 |
Seamen, an age of, 1, 2; bravery of colonial, 130 |
“Sea-Mew,” the, brings the first true colonists, 13 |
Sea-rovers, 2 |