The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints

The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints

Volume IX: September

Rev. Alban Butler


Bibliographic Record

September I.
St. Giles, Abbot
SS. Twelve Brothers, Martyrs
St. Lupus, or Leu, Archbishop of Sens, Confessor
St. Firminus II., Bishop and Confessor
September II.
St. Stephen, King of Hungary, Confessor
St. Justus, Archbishop of Lyons, Confessor
St. William, Bishop of Roschild, Confessor
B. Margaret, Virgin and Martyr at Louvain, in Brabant
September III.
St. Simeon Stylites, the Younger
St. Remaclus, Bishop of Maestricht, Confessor
St. Mansuet, Bishop
St. Macnisius, Bishop
September IV.
SS. Marcellus and Valerian, Martyrs
The Translation of St. Cuthbert
St. Ida, Widow
St. Rosalia, Virgin
St. Rosa of Viterbo, Virgin
St. Ultan, Bishop in Ireland
September V.
St. Laurence Justinian, Bishop and Confessor
St. Bertin, Abbot
St. Alto of Ireland, Abbot
September VI.
St. Pambo of Nitria, Abbot
St. Eleutherius, Abbot
St. Bega, or Bees, of Ireland, Virgin
St. Macculindus, Bishop in Ireland
September VII.
St. Cloud, Confessor
St. Regina, or Reine, Virgin and Martyr
St. Evurtius, Bishop of Orleans, Confessor
St. Grimonia, or Germana, Virgin and Martyr
St. Madelberte, Virgin and Abbess
SS. Alchmund and Tilberht, Bishops and Confessors
St. Eunan, Bishop in Ireland
September VIII.
The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
St. Adrian, Martyr
St. Sidronius, Martyr
SS. Eusebius, Nestablus, Zeno, and Nestor, Martyrs
St. Corbinian, Bishop of Frisingen, Confessor
St. Disen, or Disibode, of Ireland, Bishop and Confessor
The Festival of the Holy Name of the Virgin Mary
September IX.
SS. Gorgonius, Dorotheus, and Companions, Martyrs
St. Omer, Bishop and Confessor
St. Kiaran, Abbot in Ireland
St. Osmanna of Ireland, Virgin
St. Bettelin, Hermit and Confessor
September X.
St. Nicholas of Tolentino, Confessor
St. Pulcheria, Virgin and Empress
SS. Nemesianus, Felix, Lucius, another Felix, Litteus, Polianus, Victor, Jader, and Dativus, and Others, Martyrs and Confessors, in Numidia
St. Finian, or Winin, Bishop and Confessor in Ireland
St. Salvius, Bishop
September XI.
SS. Protus and Hyacinthus, Martyrs
St. Paphnutius, Bishop and Confessor
St. Patiens, Archbishop of Lyons, Confessor
September XII.
St. Eanswide, Virgin and Abbess
St. Guy, Confessor
St. Albeus, Bishop and Confessor in Ireland
September XIII.
St. Eulogius, Patriarch of Alexandria, Confessor
St. Amatus, Bishop and Confessor
St. Amatus, or Amé, Abbot and Confessor
St. Maurilius, Bishop of Angers, Confessor
September XIV.
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
St. Catherine of Genoa, Widow
St. Cormac, Bishop of Cashel and King of Munster in Ireland
September XV.
St. Nicetas, Martyr
St. Nicomedes, Martyr
St. John the Dwarf, Anchoret of Sceté
St. Aicard, or Achart, Abbot and Confessor
St. Aper, or Evre, Bishop and Confessor
September XVI.
St. Cornelius, Pope and Martyr
St. Cyprian, Archbishop of Carthage, Martyr
St. Euphemia, Virgin and Martyr
SS. Lucia and Geminianus, Martyrs under Dioclesian
St. Ninian, or Ninyas, Bishop and Confessor
St. Editha, or Eadgith, Virgin
September XVII.
St. Lambert, Bishop and Martyr
St. Columba, Virgin and Martyr
St. Hildegardis, Virgin and Abbess
St. Rouin, Abbot
SS. Socrates and Stephen, Martyrs
September XVIII.
St. Thomas of Villanova, Archbishop of Valentia, Confessor
St. Methodius, Bishop and Martyr
St. Ferreol, Martyr
St. Joseph of Cupertino, Confessor
September XIX.
St. Januarius, Bishop of Benevento, and His Companions, Martyrs
St. Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor
SS. Peleus, Pa-Termuthes, and Companions, Martyrs
St. Lucy, Virgin
St. Eustochius, Bishop of Tours
St. Sequanus, or Seine, Abbot
September XX.
St. Eustachius and Companions, Martyrs
St. Agapetus, Pope and Confessor
September XXI.
St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist
St. Maura, Virgin
St. Lo, or Laudus, Bishop of Coutances in Normandy
September XXII.
St. Maurice and His Companions, Martyrs
St. Emmeran, Bishop of Poitiers, Martyr
September XXIII.
St. Linus, Pope and Martyr
St. Thecla, Virgin and Martyr
St. Adamnan of Ireland, Abbot
September XXIV.
St. Gerard, Bishop of Chonad, Martyr
St. Germer, or Geremar, Abbot
St. Rusticus, or Rotiri, Bishop of Auvergne
St. Chuniald, or Conald, of Ireland, Priest
September XXV.
St. Ceolfrid, Abbot
St. Barr, or Finbarr, First Bishop of Cork, Confessor
St. Firmin, Bishop of Amiens, Martyr
St. Aunaire, Bishop of Auxerre
September XXVI.
SS. Cyprian and Justina, Martyrs
St. Eusebius, Pope and Confessor
St. Colman Elo, Abbot and Confessor in Ireland
St. Nilus the Younger, Abbot
September XXVII.
SS. Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs
SS. Elzear, Count of Arian, and Delphina
September XXVIII.
St. Wenceslas, Duke of Bohemia, Martyr
St. Lioba, Abbess
St. Eustochium, Virgin
St. Exuperius, Bishop of Toulouse
September XXIX.
The Dedication of St. Michael’s Church
St. Theodota, Martyr
September XXX.
St. Jerom, Priest and Doctor of the Church
St. Gregory, Bishop
St. Honorius, Archbishop of Canterbury Confessor