The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints
Compiled from Original Monuments and Authentic Records In Twelve Volumes
Rev. Alban Butler
While these 1,458 entries are composed from a distinctly 18th-century Catholic perspective, Alban’s syntheses of multitudinous histories result in an enlightenment of the ecclesiastical side of Western cultural development, with particular emphasis on the early Christian era. |
Preface Introductory Discourse |
Alphabetic Index to All Saints Chronologic Index with Major Feast Days Volume Indexes by Feast Day I. January II. February III. March IV. April V. May VI. June VII. July VIII. August IX. September X. October XI. November XII. December Featured Entries Ambrose, Anselm, Antony, Athanasius, Augustine, Basil the Great, Benedict, Bernard, Bonaventure, Boniface, Charles Borromeo, Cyril, Cyprian, Dominic, Ephrem, Francis of Assisium, Francis of Sales, Francis Xavier, Gregory the Great, Gregory Nazianzen, Ignatius of Antioch, Ignatius of Loyola, Irenæus, James, Jerom, John Chrysostom, John the Evangelist, Justin, Leo the Great, Lewis, Martin, Mary Magdalen, Patrick, Paul, Perpetua, Peter, Teresa, Thomas of Aquino, Thomas Becket, Vincent of Paul