C.D. Warner, et al., comp.
The Library of the World’s Best Literature. An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.
Jean Pierre Edmond Jurien de la Gravière (1812–1892)
Jurien de la Gravière, Jean Pierre Edmond (gräv-yār’). A French admiral and author; born in Brest, France, Nov. 19, 1812; died in Paris, March 5, 1892. He served with distinction in Chinese waters (1841), the Black Sea, and the Mediterranean; and as commander of the expedition against Mexico arranged the treaty of Soledad (1861). His numerous works include: ‘Sardinia in 1841’ (1841); ‘Souvenir of an Admiral’ (1860); ‘The Ancient Navy’; ‘The Modern Navy’; ‘Maritime Wars of the Revolution and Empire’; ‘The Navy of the Ancients and the Campaigns of Alexander’ (10 vols.).