Oftentimes the adventures of amours and of war are more fortunate and marvellous than any man can think or wish. |
—The Chronicles of Froissart |
Jean Froissart |
Harvard Classics, Vol. 35, Part 1
The Chronicles of Froissart
Jean Froissart
Historical narrative of many of the battles of the Hundred Year’s War between England and France.
I. The Campaign of Crecy
- How the King of England Came over the Sea Again, to Rescue Them in Aiguillon
- How the King of England Rode in Three Battles through Normandy
- Of the Great Assembly That the French King Made to Resist the King of England
- Of the Battle of Caen, and How the Englishmen Took the Town
- How Sir Godfrey of Harcourt Fought with Them of Amiens before Paris
- How the French King Followed the King of England in Beauvoisinois
- Of the Battle of Blanche-Taque between the King of England and Sir Godemar Du Fay
- Of the Order of the Englishmen at Cressy, and How They Made Three Battles Afoot
- The Order of the Frenchmen at Cressy, and How They Beheld the Demeanour of the Englishmen
- Of the Battle of Cressy between the King of England and the French King
- How the Next Day after the Battle the Englishmen Discomfited Divers Frenchmen
- How the Next Day after the Battle of Cressy They That Were Dead Were Numbered by the Englishmen
II. The Battle of Poitiers
- Of the Great Host That the French King Brought to the Battle of Poitiers
- Of the Order of the Frenchmen before the Battle of Poitiers
- How the Cardinal of Perigord Treated to Make Agreement between the French King and the Prince before the Battle of Poitiers
- Of the Battle of Poitiers between the Prince of Wales and the French King
- Of Two Frenchmen That Fled from the Battle of Poitiers and Two Englishmen That Followed Them
- How King John Was Taken Prisoner at the Battle of Poitiers
- Of the Gift That the Prince Gave to the Lord Audley after the Battle of Poitiers
- How the Englishman Won Greatly at the Battle of Poitiers
- How the Lord James Audley Gave to His Four Squires the Five Hundred Marks of Revenues That the Prince Had Given Him
- How the Prince Made a Supper to the French King the Same Day of the Battle
- How the Prince Returned to Bordeaux after the Battle of Poitiers
III. Wat Tyler’s Rebellion
- How the Commons of England Rebelled against the Noblemen
- The Evil Deeds That These Commons of England Did to the King’s Officers, and How They Sent a Knight to Speak with the King
- How the Commons of England Entered into London, and of the Great Evil That They Did, and of the Death of the Bishop of Canterbury and Divers Other
- How the Nobles of England Were in Great Peril to Have Been Destroyed, and How These Rebels Were Punished and Sent Home to Their Own Houses
IV. The Battle of Otterburn
- How the Earl Douglas Won the Pennon of Sir Henry Percy at the Barriers before Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, and How the Scots Brent the Castle of Pontland, and How Sir Henry Percy and Sir Ralph His Brother Took Advice to Follow the Scots to Conquer Again the Pennon That Was Lost at the Scrimmish
- How Sir Henry Percy and His Brother with a Good Number of Men of Arms and Archers Went after the Scots, to Win Again His Pennon That the Earl Douglas Had Won before Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, and How They Assailed the Scots before Otterburn in Their Lodgings
- How the Earl James Douglas by His Valiantness Encouraged His Men, Who Were Reculed and in a Manner Discomfited, and in His So Doing He Was Wounded to Death
- How in This Battle Sir Ralph Percy Was Sore Hurt and Taken Prisoner by a Scottish Knight
- How the Scots Won the Battle against the Englishmen Beside Otterburn, and There Was Taken Prisoners Sir Henry and Sir Ralph Percy, and How an English Squire Would Not Yield Him, No More Would a Scottish Suire, and So Died Both; and How the Bishop of Durham and His Company Were Discomfited among Themselves
- How Sir Matthew Redmen Departed from the Battle to Save Himself; and How Sir James Lindsay Was Taken Prisoner by the Bishop of Durham; and How after the Battle Scurrers Were Sent Forth to Discover the Country
- How the Scots Departed and Carried with Them the Earl Douglas Dead, and Buried Him in the Abbey of Melrose; and How Sir Archambault Douglas and His Company Departed from before Carlisle and Returned into Scotland