Sir Walter Scott. (1771–1832). Guy Mannering.
The Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction. 1917.
List of Characters
- M
RS. ALLAN, Colonel Mannering’s housekeeper. - A
NDREW, gardener at Ellangowan. - G
ILES BAILLIE, a gipsy. - B
ARNES, valet to Colonel Mannering. - D
EACON BEARCLIFF, a village worthy. - G
ODFREY BERTRAM, Laird of Ellangowan. - M
RS. BERTRAM, his wife. - H
ENRY BERTRAM (also called Captain Brown), son of Godfrey. - L
UCY BERTRAM, daughter of Godfrey. - M
ARGARET BERTRAM, a relative of Godfrey. - C
APTAIN BROWN (see Henry Bertram). - L
OCKBURN, landlord of the George Inn. - C
OSSARD, a justice. - C
APTAIN DELASERRE, friend of Harry Bertram. - D
ILIE DINMONT, wife of Dandie. - J
ENNIE DINMONT, his daughter. - D
ONALD, an Edinburgh chairman. - D
RIVER, Pleydell’s clerk. - D
UDLEY, an artist, friend to Henry Bertram. - J
AMIE DUFF, an idiot. - R
EV. DR. ERSKINE, a Scotch divine. - G
ABRIEL FAA, gipsy, nephew of Meg Merrilies. - J
OHN FEATHERHEAD, opponent of Kittlecourt. - J
ANET GIBSON, dependent on Margaret Bertram. - G
ILBERT GLOSSIN, Godfrey Bertram’s agent. - G
RIZZIE, servant at Gordon Arms. - D
IRK HATTERAICK, a smuggler. - C
HARLES HAZLEWOOD, lover of Lucy Bertram. - S
IR ROBERT HAZLEWOOD, his father. - G
ODFREY BERTRAM HEWIT, natural son of Godfrey Bertram. - J
OE HODGES, a landlord. - L
UCKIE HOWATSON, a midwife. - J
OCK O’ DAWTSON CLEUGH, neighbour to Dandie Dinmont. - J
OCK JABOS, postilion at the Gordon Arms. - M
RS. JABOS, his mother. - S
LOUNGING JOCK, jailer’s assistant. - J
OHNSTONE, a young fisherman. - P
EGGIE JOHNSTONE, a laundress, his sister. - W
ILLIAM JOHNSTONE, their father. - F
RANCIS KENNEDY, a revenue officer. - S
IR THOMAS KITTLECOURT, member of parliament. - M
RS. MAC- CANDLISH, landlady of the Gordon Arms. - M
AC- CASQUIL, sometime of Drumquag. - M
ILES MAC FIN, a cadie. - D
AVID MAC- GUFFOG, a jailer. - M
RS. MAC- GUFFOG, his wife. - M
AC- MORLAN, Sheriff substitute. - M
RS. MAC- MORLAN, his wife. - C
OLONEL GUY MANNERING, an English officer, retired. - J
ULIA MANNERING, his daughter. - M
RS. MANNERING (Sophia Wellwood), his wife. - M
ATILDA MARCHMONT, Julia’s friend and correspondent. - M
EG MERRILIES, a gipsy. - A
RTHUR MERVYN, a friend to Colonel Mannering. - M
RS. MERVYN, his wife. - M
ORTCLOKE, an undertaker. - T
IBB MUMPS, landlady of Mumps Ha’. - P
AULUS PLEYDELL, an Edinburgh lawyer. - W
ILLIAM PRITCHARD, commander of the sloop Shark. - P
ETER PROTOCOL, trustee of Margaret Bertram’s Estate. - M
R. QUID, a kinsman of Margaret Bertram. - M
RS. REBECCA, Margaret Bertram’s maid. - D
OMINIE ABEL SAMPSON, tutor to Henry and Lucy Bertram. - S
CROW, Glossin’s clerk. - S
AM SILVERQUILL, an idle apprentice. - M
R. SKREIGH, precentor of Kippletringan. - S
OLES, a shoemaker. - D
ICK SPUR’EM, assistant to Mac-Guffog. - T
OM, servant to Charles Hazlewood. - J
OHN WILSON, groom to Godfrey Bertram.