Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832). Egmont.
The Harvard Classics. 1909–14.
Dramatis Personæ
MARGARET OF PARMA, Daughter of Charles V., and Regent of the Netherlands.
COUNT EGMONT, Prince of GaureWILLIAM OF ORANGEMACHIAVEL, in the service of the RegentSILVA & GOMEZ, in the service of AlvaTHE DUKE OF ALVAFERDINAND, his natural SonRICHARD, EGMONT’S Private SecretaryCLARA, the Beloved of EGMONTHER MOTHERBRACKENBURG, a Citizen’s Son, and VANSEN, a ClerkSOEST, a Shopkeeper, JETTER, a Tailor, a CARPENTER & a SOAPBOILER, Citizens of BrusselsBUYCK, a Hollander, a Soldier under EGMONTRUYSUM, a Frieslander, an Invalid Soldier, and deafPeople, Attendants, Guards, &c. SCENE: BRUSSELS