Hamilton Fish Armstrong, ed. The Book of New York Verse. 1917.
The Grave of LawrenceClinton Scollard
Overhead, the stars of midnight,—scarce the faintest glow,—
Shrunken into misty marsh-fires by the city’s glare;
Here he sleeps, our sailor hero,—pause and hail him fair!
Here he sleeps where jostling Wall Street merges in Broadway,
And the roar is as a legion leaping to the fray.
Matchless midst the girdling granite lifts the graceful spire.
Many slumberers around him, men of church and state;
Here he sleeps, our sailor hero, great among the great!
Simple lines to mark his slumber; how the letters speak!
“Lawrence” (hark, ye money-getters!) “of the Chesapeake!”
Just a name! What does it cry you? “Don’t give up the ship!”
Aye, there’s something more than millions.—a far nobler aim!
Here he sleeps, our sailor hero, nothing but a name!
Yet (and who can pierce the future?) this may one day be
As a burning inspiration both on land and sea.